Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dear Sam Fox, Can You Spare $50,000?

Sam Fox
United States Embassy
Brussels, Belgium

Dear Mr. Fox:

First of all, I just want to congratulate you for your performance at the Senate Hearings on your nomination to be ambassador to Belgium (I'm just sending this straight to the embassy because I can't imagine Democrats would have the guts to vote against you). It sure was bum luck that you had to endure questioning from John Kerry about the $50,000 you gave to the brave Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to run attack ads against him during the 2004 presidential election. It's sad that Sen. Kerry can't just let bygones be bygones. I mean, the election was two years ago. Some Vietnam veterans can't seem to let go of the past, I guess.

I think you played it very well when you told Sen. Kerry that you agree with him that 527s are just terrible and something really ought to be done about them. I do think you laid it on a bit thick when you called Sen. Kerry a "hero" (have a little pride, it's just the ambassadorship to Belgium, after all) and I must say I thought Sen. Kerry had you when he then asked why you gave $50,000 to a 527 group if you think they are so bad. But you got right back in the game when you told him that you give money to so many people that you can't even remember who asked you to give money to the Swift Boat Veterans. I think you probably should have made it absolutely clear that it was certainly not Karl Rove who asked you for the money because we know that President Bush's campaign had nothing whatsoever to do with the Swift Boat ads and that they were powerless to stop them. But in the heat of questioning it's understandable that you forgot to make that point.

I also think you made a good point about being practically forced to give money to the Swift Boat Veterans because the other side was giving money to their 527s. Sen. Kerry's protest about two wrongs not making a right was pretty lame. We all know that unilateral disarmament doesn't make any more sense in politics than it does in the nuclear arms race. Just as Mutually Assured Destruction is the basis of our foreign policy, our political system is built on Mutually Assured Personal Destruction, except in the case of politics, each side actually does fire every weapon they have, which may be why most of our politicians come out of elections looking like post-atomic zombies. But, of course, that isn't your fault. You just pay for the weapons; you don't fire them. And you seemed very pained when you practically begged Congress to pass a law to stop you before you give away $50,000 to a 527 again.

Anyway, the reason I am writing is because there was something you said that got me to thinking. When Kerry asked you why you gave the Swift Boat Veterans $50,000, you said, "I gave away $50,000 because I was asked to." Frankly, I had no idea it was so easy to get you to part with $50,000. I didn't realize that all anyone had to do was ask.

So, I'm asking.

Although I do make a pretty nice living from the Google Ads on my blog and my wife's three jobs, every little bit helps and I'm sure I could find some uses for $50,000. Generally, I am opposed to the wealthy giving away the money that God gave them, and I would hate for anyone to think that my opinions could be bought. But I have come to the reluctant conclusion that because so many other conservatives are taking money from millionaires I am forced to do the same thing. You have convinced me that no one can afford to be unilaterally moral in this day and age.

Of course, Mr. Fox, you will not in any way be responsible for anything I write, although I'm sure you would be pleased since my moniker "Jon Swift" is, after all, a tribute to the Swift Boat Veterans you so generously funded. Since you apparently missed all of the newspaper articles about the Swift Boat ads and so are not responsible for anything they said, I guess it's even more doubtful you will ever read my blog. I'm sure that eventually you'll even forget that you even gave me the money since it's just a drop in the bucket for you. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get you an ambassadorship for your donation, but you already have one of those anyway.

In case you are wondering what I am going to do with the money (not that you were going to ask since you apparently never asked the Swift Boat Veterans), I probably won't use any of the money you give me to do more research on my attacks on our enemies since it really doesn't matter that much if they are actually true or not. In fact, I'm not really sure what I'll do with the money, but I do plan to call up Dinesh D'Souza and ask him where he got that leopard-print carpet since I think it will be important to my image as a conservative pundit.

Please contact me as soon as possible to transfer the $50,000 into my offshore account. And thank you very much for your generosity. You are a true patriot.

Jon Swift

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  1. Hmmm... sounds like $50,000 is the spillage his maid cleans out from between the sofa cushions.

  2. Well Jon, I'm pretty sure that if he does find you he'll get to you through me. I've been thinking (ouch) that maybe you should share some of that ooodles of goooogles dollars with me...since I seem to be the Swiftian reference source of first resort. I am, after all, swelling your ad dollars by 10-20 readers a day who don't even bother with my scribblings.

    I do profusely thank you for the 2-3 per week who drift my way from you. I am, after all, not even a pale imitation of your worthy self.

    In fact if you've read this you've noticed I do not do satire, at all. I tried irony, but I've lately heard BushCo killed it with reality mocking itself.

    Thanks for improving my day, I was bummed before I got here.

  3. I live about 12 miles from Mr. Fox's house in St. Louis, which makes me an authority about him. Sure, he lives in an 8,000+ square foot home in one of our finest parts of town, while I ... well, I don't. But hey, my yard is bigger than his house, so there!

    Anyway, I can assure you that Mr. Fox is very well qualified for his appointment as ambassador to Belgium. I mean, we're talking about Belgium here. It's not like he'll be negotiating a nuclear treaty with Kim Jong-Il. The only thing he's likely to be negotiating is a fancy dinner for some European leader or another. Stressful for common folk like us, but he is far from common.

    As far as your $50,000 request goes, though, I wouldn't sit by the phone. Fox had to pay almost $42,000 in property taxes on his house last year - and that is just on his primary residence. And as you know, natural gas prices are way up, so I'm sure his heating bill was horrible. So believe me, Mr. Fox doesn't just have fifty Gs laying around waiting for a solicitation.

    I wish I could be more positive about your prospects. But hey, if you ever decide to start your own 527, let me know - I've got Mr. Fox's home address!

    Nick Kasoff
    The Thug Report

  4. Jon

    I wonder if Fox would donate to a liberal blogger too? LMAO, thanks Jon!

  5. I think Sam Fox is perfect for that job as ambassador. If he was able to withstand the ruthless glare of Hanoi John sKerry, he'll be well equipped to handle himself in the mean streets of Brussels.

  6. Who does that John Kerry think he is, by grilling such a fine Republican-American patriot and trolling for compliments, knowing that the poor man would say anything, anything, to get that appointment in Belgium. Why, the poor soul must've choked and even vomited a little into his mouth while calling a decorated Vietnam war hero who'd earned three Purple Hearts a "hero."

    If there's any international issue regarding waffles and fine chocolate, I'm sure that Mr. Fox will be on top of it.

    Excuse me, I have to wash my own mouth out...

    Consider yourself linked, mister.

  7. So, when was Kerry in Cambodia?

  8. file a press release for this at prweb or similar site.. good luck.

  9. Smart move. Finally, you wake up and smell the cat food. Patronage by the wealthy is a fitting and time honored practice and you are more than deserving of "trickle down" relief.

  10. OK - got all that. Now, what are the Swift Boat Veterans?

  11. Conservapedia got a new URL! Huzzah for 'merica!

  12. It's not so amazing that conservatives are morons; it's that they're so inordinately proud of being morons. Latest case in point: the moron Bush appointing a committed liar like Fox, whose standards of honesty seem to have been adopted from Goebbels, who was bound to catch a ton of well-earned shit in a public hearing, even withut taking the 5th; and the moron Fox who was vain enough to do something super-moronic like accepting the appointment. And of course all the standard-grade morons on this list who are never so gleeful as when they expose their ineradicable stupidity.

  13. Let me get this straight, Mr. Kerry is out of touch for bringing up an issue that is two years old. But the swift boat veterans for truth are patriotic and noble for bringing up an issue more than 30 years old?

    Next time you should try not to refute your own arguements with contradictory statements.

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  23. Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)


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