Monday, March 09, 2009

Rod Dreher Finds the Subtle Nuances in Mass Murder

Rod Dreher was shocked by the story of a Texas man whose wife and children were slaughtered by his daughter and her friends. But he wasn't shocked by the brutal murder itself. Murders happen all the time. Big deal. What shocked him was a passing remark by the father who survived the attack by Erin, his little murderess. After he moved his family from the small Texas town of Celeste (pop. 800) to the liberal Emory (pop. 1200) his daughter was subject to the horrors of big city debauchery. "Emory has a lot of bisexual kids; it's like it was almost cool to be bisexual. One of the first things that happened was some girl wanted to be Erin's little girlfriend. And I was like, 'That ain't happenin'.' "

Dreher was understandably shocked by this revelation. "This is a tiny East Texas town -- and there's a bisexual culture in one of them, among the teenagers?" he wrote. "WTF? What do I not get about teenage life these days? What do I not get about the cultural air kids breathe? I am so not going to give my children over to this culture, if I can help it." If for some reason Dreher's children decide to murder him, though I can't think of any reason why they would off the top of my head, at least he'll go to his grave comforted by the thought that he saved them from the evils of bisexuality.

But as horrifying as this story of bisexuality is, it does have a silver lining. As soon as Erin's parents realized that the public schools in Emory were cesspools of bisexual Bacchanalia, they took their kids out of school and started home schooling them. When they re-enrolled Erin in public school three years later, she was armed with the values she learned from being home schooled and didn't fall back into a lesbian lifestyle. Instead, started dating an 18-year-old boy, which must have been a big relief to her parents. Unfortunately, it was this boy who then helped her murder her family. But if you look past the murders, this story actually has a happy ending because it shows that it is possible to save our kids from homosexuality and that should give Dreher some solace when he gets over his shock.

Unfortunately, some people willfully misread Dreher's column and claimed that Dreher was saying that bisexuality caused the murders when in fact he was just focusing on the most horrific aspect of the story. Dreher is used to being willfully misread like this and having his values and priorities questioned. Recently, for example, he wrote a column pointing out that our "social decline" did not begin with the Sixties but back in that dark period known as the Enlightenment. "The question, though, is not whether the Sixties (or the Enlightenment) were good or bad, but whether on balance the Sixties (or the Enlightenment) were good or bad. I answer in the negative," he wrote. Again, some people misread his column to mean that he thinks we should revive slavery or the Inquisition. But if you read his column carefully, you see that he is just saying that on the whole things were better before we had homosexuality, abortion, feminism and horseless carriages even when you balance those things against slavery and torturing heretics.

But Dreher is not the only conservative intellectual who is sadly misunderstood. Unfortunately, a lot of liberals just don't get the subtle nuances of some of Rush Limbaugh's thinking either. Some conservatives, like David Frum, are saying that Rush does not help our cause when he says, for example, that he wants President Obama to fail. Others even claim that we should be disingenuous and talk down to people instead. "The problem is, Americans have short attention spans and don’t always do nuance well," says one of our most nuanced thinkers, Paterico.

But I agree with Jeff Goldstein who says, "I don’t want to have to measure every word I say with the thought in mind that somebody is going to take me out of context. Instead, I’d like to be free to say what I mean." Goldstein is tired of pandering to people who think "it’s just too damn difficult to demand that what we mean be presented honestly, and so rather than fight that kind of complicated battle, it’s best just to learn to self-edit in a way that placates those who don’t do nuance well."

Although I often don't understand what Goldstein is trying to say, it would be a tragedy if he tried to pander to people like me and write things that people can actually comprehend. And I don't think Dreher should worry if people believe that he cares more about bisexuality than murder or that he wants us to return to a time when people who were not Catholics like him were burned at the stake when that is not what he is saying at all. And if some people cannot understand the subtle difference between wanting Obama to fail, plunging America into a Great Depression or wanting Obama's policies to fail, plunging America into a Great Depression, then is it really worth the energy to try to explain to them what Rush really meant?

So I hope that conservatives will say more things that can be taken out of context by the liberal media and continue to make subtle distinctions that can't be understood in 30-second sound bites. It is time for us to gird our loins (whatever that means) and fight complicated battles. Sure, we might lose a few elections and we might give people the false impression that we are homophobic or racist or misogynist or that we want America to fail and be punished for its decadence, but that's a small price to pay to hold on to our integrity, which is what is really important. Instead of making compromises, the way to get back into the good graces of the American people and start winning elections again is to stick to our guns and not be afraid to call Americans who don't understand what we mean "idiots." And if you don't think this is a winning strategy, then you're an idiot.

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  1. "Although I often don't understand what Goldstein is trying to say, it would be a tragedy if he tried to pander to people like me and write things that people can actually comprehend."

    He's typing v e r y s l o w l y for you, Jon.

  2. Brilliant post. Thank you.

  3. Although I often don't understand what Goldstein is trying to say, it would be a tragedy if he tried to pander to people like me and write things that people can actually comprehend.

    I thought this site was supposed to be satirical?

  4. As to the question of what "gird our loins" means, since Joe Biden advised his side to do this during the campaign, Slate published an explanation on October 21:

    To gird means to bind or encircle, and loins refers to the area between your hips and ribs. (Note: In this case, loins does not refer to the genitals, as with Nabokov's "light of my life, fire of my loins.") So, "to gird your loins" means, literally, to wrap a belt around your waist so that your clothes don't flop around. The phrase stems from the Bible and is scattered throughout both the Old and New Testaments—composed during notoriously floppy sartorial eras. When Elijah "girded up his loins" (1 Kings 18:46), he was probably wearing a knee-length robe.

    It might have be less suggestive, as well as more contemporary, to use the phrase "roll up our sleeves". Or, if we're going to "stick to our guns", we might "put on our bulletproof vests."

  5. The most nuanced expression I've ever read from Jeff Goldstein was when he addressed his critics as "bandwidth sucking cocklords."

  6. The most nuanced expression I've ever read from Jeff Goldstein was when he addressed his critics as "bandwidth sucking cocklords."

    Are you sure it was Jeff who said that, and not Dan Collins? Because both Jeff and Dan get very angry when you get the two of them confused. Not that I can blame either one of them for that.

  7. Oh, check out the last post....just dreadful. Drones on for hours and all it is a repudiation of the very intentioalism bs he claims to love.

  8. I'm sure Rod Dreher thinks murder is less dangerous than bisexuality like I'm sure this website is run by a "conservative."

    Nobody should ever be the least bit concerned with any thing there kids are subjected to as long as liberals approve of it. I get it now. The people who are least likely to have kids can tell those of us who are most likley to have kids how to raise them. The perfect liberal policy.

  9. "Nobody should ever be the least bit concerned with any thing there kids are subjected to as long as liberals approve of it. I get it now. The people who are least likely to have kids can tell those of us who are most likley to have kids how to raise them. The perfect liberal policy."

    Now we're getting somewhere! However, if you are inclined to reproduce then you are not qualified to do so and therefore should undergo forced sterilization. Do you get it? Only those who do not want children should be allowed to have them.

    It was in the Obama platform right after nationalizing all industry and putting the entire population on welfare.

  10. I see that ol' Rod's hormone therapy treatments are working now. It was touch and go after the gender reassignment surgery.



  11. If I weren't one of those godforsaken lesbians, I'd want to marry you, Jon.

  12. Nuances? I read the whole post, Jon, but those murders wouldn't leave me alone. Wife and how many children?

    And wha? I'm not supposed to fret about the murders because at least the daughter did it with her boyfriend, not her girlfriend?
    No doubt it's never occurred to these men that the mother and siblings might be enjoying bisexuality as their heavenly reward. Nobody knows.

  13. Jon-three cheers for integrity! I am all for conservatives continuing to call people idiots who don't agree with them.

  14. Are you sure it was Jeff who said that, and not Dan Collins? Because both Jeff and Dan get very angry when you get the two of them confused.

    Oh, come on, you don't expect me to believe that this "Dan Collins" is anything but the crudest sock-puppet, considering that it is only seen rushing to the defense of its alter ego, Jeff.

  15. I am confused. Are you saying you do not support parental rights? Or there is a moral equivalence to principles?

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  17. This is all very confusing, I thought 'nuance' was a liberal fascist noun.

    Also, I'm still not sure whether it's ok to slap other men in the face with my cock or not, Jeff doesn't respond to my e-mails about this.

    Can anybody help me?

  18. "Nobody should ever be the least bit concerned with any thing there kids are subjected to as long as...they become murderers rather than bisexuals, or worse, gays! Or Liberals. Or atheists.

    I answer in the negative.

  19. Jeff Goldstein canslap my face with his cock any time he wants to. And Rod Dreher rocks my world.

  20. Heaven forbid he move to a REALLY big city like Waco where the nutballs have dozens of wives and then kill them.

  21. I'm pleasantly surprised by the nuances in this post, even though I don't understand half of them. When will the liberals learn that they should be extremely charitable to conservatives, especially when the conservatives never, ever misinterpret the liberals' speech?

    Great post as ever, Jon!

  22. I read Dreher's post and added the following comment:

    Rod, your surprise appears to stem from the erroneous belief -- which, interestingly, is pretty common on both the Right and the Left -- that human beings are not really animals but instead are shaped entirely by our culture. (This is sometimes called "cultural determinism," though I prefer to say cultural reductionism to distinguish it from philosophical determinism, which does not imply reductionism.) If you understood that human behavior is largely shaped by our biology, then you wouldn't be surprised by thriving bisexuality in a small town, since it's well established that bisexuality exists in countless species throughout nature (for instance see the book Biological Exuberance at, where culture in the human sense, and certainly media culture, is presumably not a factor. The main difference between small towns and big cities, I think, is that behaviors regarded as "deviant" are more likely to be swept under a rug there.

    And this may be germane to why the brutal mass murder occurred. The father makes clear that he and his wife would go to considerable lengths to "protect" their daughter from any message telling her that it's okay to do anything they consider "deviant." And there's considerable clinical evidence to suggest that children raised in such a repressive family atmosphere are more likely to develop violent fixations to which their sexuality becomes tied ("vandalized lovemaps" as pediatric psychiatrist John Money puts it). So the violent outcome in this case may actually be an indirect consequence of the same attitudes and parenting style that made them so alarmed about "bisexual chic."

  23. gocartmozart4/03/2009 11:51 AM

    The irony is that had the girl been sleeping with a female, dad would have likely been able to wrestle the guns away from both of them: Females being the weaker sex and all.

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  25. darn it! that was horrible..

  26. I can't believe this tremendous story. how could it be?

  27. well, that really happens in the world. we can't stop it when it really happens.

  28. Ha! You had me going there for a moment, Jon. Brilliant post.

  29. Amen, brudda! Brilliant!!! Again, this world is a narcissitic haven for the powerfull and wealthy. Leave it. Riseabove. Don't let your kids fall into this cesspool of idolatry and materialism. And don't ever look to the horizontal that'll hit you in the ass when IT comes 'round. Nope. Look skyward. Look vertical to see this is only our Finite Existence, like a triangle: TRI-angles are only so large, then, we must face our Divine Judgment --- So, wiseabove. How, America? Repent and believe. Then, you're in. Nothin' can happen to U.S. Sure, they may kill the body, BUT - THEY - CANNOT - TOUCH - THE - SOUL. The soul is God's and, believe me, she'll riseabove on the Last Day to where I'm having a BIG-OL party on my drawbridge to celebrate our resurrection in Heaven. You're more than welcome. Hey, bud, I ain't the Almighty; I'm just a lowly mortal preaching on my PC. HeeHee But, I know if I keep my sights on God, love my neighbor, don't git too involved withis filthy, stinkin world, I'll have a clear shot at the Great Beyond. So can you. God bless you, America. Be at peace. I'll see you soon, dude...

  30. I can't believe this tremendous story.

  31. I, Pokaduck, two, cannot believe this tremendous story though elements of it are tremendously believable though. Funny stuff about Limbaugh's nuances.

  32. well, that really happens in the world. we can't stop it when it really happens.

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  43. To gird means to bind or encircle, and loins refers to the area between your hips and ribs. (Note: In this case, loins does not refer to the genitals, as with Nabokov's "light of my life, fire of my loins.") So, "to gird your loins" means, literally, to wrap a belt around your waist so that your clothes don't flop around. The phrase stems from the Bible and is scattered throughout both the Old and New Testaments—composed during notoriously floppy sartorial eras. When Elijah "girded up his loins" (1 Kings 18:46), he was probably wearing a knee-length robe.

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