In a victory for terrorists and their liberal sympathizers, five members of the United States Supreme Court have ruled in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld that enemy combatants detained at Guantanamo deserve trials just like American citizens. I don't know how anyone can argue that this does not "aid and abet" our enemies, which is the very definition of treason. Some people are arguing that President Bush should simply ignore the decision and tell the Supreme Court as Andrew Jackson once did that now that they have made their decision they should try to enforce it. Others are suggesting Congress pass a law negating the Court's decision. No doubt, the Bush Administration is already at work thinking up other ways to get around the decision. But I think the best plan would be to declare these five Supreme Court justices themselves enemy combatants.
Although I have not actually read the entire Constitution, I believe that in the Article that gives the President the power to designate enemy combatants there is nothing that explicitly protects members of the Supreme Court from being declared enemy combatants. Because we are in a state of indefinite war, under the law the President is free to declare anyone he wants an enemy combatant, even an American citizen. I don't think members Supreme Court can argue that they are above the law and that an exception should be made in their case.
Undoubtedly, these terrorist-sympathizing Justices will go to court in an attempt to fight being designated enemy combatants. But if the case makes its way up the Supreme Court, they will be forced to recuse themselves, allowing for the other four justices to uphold the ruling. Then these justices can be taken to Guantanamo or an undisclosed location and held until hostilities have ended; that is, when terrorism has been completely eliminated from the face of the Earth.
One fringe benefit of this plan is that once these Justices are no longer able to sit on cases, the Bush Administration can finally enact some of its agenda without having to worry about the Supreme Court acting as a roadblock. We will finally be able to reverse Roe v. Wade, Lawrence v. Texas, the Miranda decision, Brown v. The Board of Education and other mistaken rulings.
This plan would also free the Bush Administration to declare other terrorist sympathizers enemy combatants, which would make fighting the War on Terror a lot easier. A number of editors and journalists at the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post could be designated enemy combatants and carted off to undisclosed locations where they would be held incommunicado. The Washington Post's Dana Priest might get a chance to see if those secret prisons she reported on really exist. Several members of Congress such as Jack Murtha, John Kerry and Russ Feingold could also be designated enemy combatants. (I don't think we have to worry too much about Arlen Specter, who will no doubt get the message once a few members of Congress disappear.) We might also want to designate a few members of the leadership ACLU enemy combatants so that they won't cause too much trouble. There are probably a lot more terrorist sympathizers who should be designated enemy combatants, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Bush Administration has already begun making a list. So anyone that might be thinking of protesting the Bush Administration's activities a little too vociferously in the future should know that there is probably still plenty of room on that list.
Jon Swift, Supreme Court, War on Terror, Hamdan, Terrorism, Bush, Guantanamo, Enemy Combatants, Constitution, ACLU, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Jack Murtha, John Kerry, Russ Feingold, Arlen Specter, Politics, Comedian Jenée: People are Idiots OTA #15, Carnival of Trackbacks LXXV, Samantha Burns OTA, Uncooperative Blogger Weekend Open Trackback Party
What’s a Little Wingnut Nepotism?
1 hour ago
Absolutely brilliant blog. After more reading I'm mightily impressed.
I believe your analysis is correct - by tipping their hand, the traitors on the Supreme Court have exposed themselves to the Terrible Swift Sword (so to speak, in a metaphorical sense) of Our Leader's inherent right to do WHATEVER IS NECESSARY to triumph over our enemies.
In a way those al-Qaeda-loving judges could not have anticipated, they have done America a favor by showing just how many enemies within we have.
I'm with you. If the military took its oath seriously ... "to protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC"... Bush would be justified to send the Marines to the Supreme Court today.
Judging from how the White House seems to operate, they may have declared themselves enemy combatants and locked themselves in a mental state far away from the rest of America. There they are free to do what they want until the War on Terror is over.
Wait, they would have to surrender themselves up to themselves but since they are in an undisclosed mental state they'll never find themselves...It's going to be a long(er) war.
Spot on. They should hang, and not the quick neck-snapping hanging that peaceniks favor, but the slow leg dancing strangulation of a lynching.
Those justices have to learn that our troubled times call for a single spearhead of leadership, President Bush, not the blunt and flabby bulwark of democracy that our Constitution and co-equal branches of government provide during times of peace.
As usual, the typical assorted right-wing delusionals pay a people are as dumb as DeLay... But not to worry about "meds" your ilk constantly refer to, apparently Limbaugh has enough medications and assorted pills for everyone. Can’t you people get your facts correct on anything? And “hamasi”… do not forget what one famous revolutionary said: “Those who would sacrifice their freedoms for security, deserve neither” The only “war” that is going on is the one in your head, and the class war Reagan started 25 years ago. Bush is nothing more then a front man for oil and armaments thieves and their parasitic subsidiary brethren. If you "wing-nut" types have not figured that one out by now, perhaps you should be commenting in simpler venues that cater to your regressive ideologies.
Once again, Jon Swift(if that is your real name), I am astounded at your limited grasp of the situation. Five times you use the word declare in your post. A true patriot would never declare himself in these treacherous times. Why not post our intentions on the al Qaeda website? Do you think our President, a man smart enough not to declare war in Iraq, would be so sloppy? I did chuckle at the thought of Arlen Specter noticing some empty seats in a committee meeting. I can just picture the look of comprehension coming across his flip-floppy face. Sometimes I'm just not sure about the seriousness of your patriotism. You better straighten up and fly right Mr. Swift or you'll end up on my list (which will be encoded and forwarded to the White House through secure terrestrial means).
PS As for the Constitution, all you need to know is this quote concerning the President from Article 2 (the important one) section 2: He shall have Power...
Jeff...isn't it hurricane season down south? I would think you would have better things to do, like inventory and document your G.I. Joe doll collection before a large storm hits, or something else in that vein.
I am glad you are on the "other" side... but I still feel we are far from out of the woods. Please note I was referring to OUR arms dealers, and I believe Exon, Mobil and Shell have most of the oil at this point in time...And , yea we have all lost civil rights with the addition of and to the "Patriot" act(s)...( not just me...)
Never the less you should feel free to leave your expert and mature opinions, I am impressed with your pet names and really liked the "Triple life sentence" reference, gosh, it made me feel like I was in grade school again. Jeff,you really do have a very positve effect on this blog!
P.S: sorry, Jon...(tee-hee) but as you know it was getting a bit stuffy around here, with all the one-liners and their back-slapping...a little entertainment never hurt anyone.
Amen, Mr. Bargholz,
Yes, I believe the word "power" in Article 2 (careful with the Romanisms), section 2, covers the military tribunals and a whole lot more. You are too kind to Specter though...or do you forget how he betrayed our VP's intimate correspondences to the press and then pretended to be on his side? I really have no opinion of the hygienic practices of blacks, women and homosexuals, although it has been my experience that homosexuals are quite clean.
I'm with you on leaving the comedy to the experts. I tried to tell a limerick at a golf scramble yesterday (There once was a man from Hyannis Port...)and hurt myself badly enough to halt play. Fortunately, it was on the ninth hole, near the clubhouse, where I spent the rest of the afternoon quite pleasantly recovering.
PS. I use only mustard, you may be sure.
Does anything you say make sense? If you're going to make incoherent accusations and hurl ineffective insults, at least try to be funny. Please tell me you weren't trying to be funny, too.
Once again for the special needs commentator:
Name one freedom you've lost since george Bush became your president.
Where is the oil he took from Iraq? Why are gas prices so high if his buddies are swimming in it?
Which country was invaded so that America could appropriate their arms? Afghanistan or Iraq? I thought you idiots said there were no WMD?
The severe storms and flooding are in New jersey, Washington DC and the surrounding areas. You haven't heard much about it because those places don't have an incompetent "chocolate" mayor. Flooding is only the President's fault if the corrupt local government loses all control, right?
My "side" runs this country, in case you've never seen a red state/blue state map. I'm glad to hear you're happy about it, because the country is getting redder every day. You blue state inbreds can keep slapping each other on the back while we fix the problems you've caused. The adults are busy running the country while you adolexcents carp at authority.
"Our" arms dealers account for less than 2% of deals worldwide. You leftists need to check your facts before you open your mouths if you ever expect to be taken seriously. I know it's against your credo, but facts are useful in a debate.
Most oil is underground, and Bush is the President of America, not Exxon, Mobil or Dutch Royal Shell. None of those conglomerates were awarded any iraq oil, so your remark is pointless--as usual.
The reason you feel like you're in grade school is because you're an imbecile. (That means you have the mental capacity of a 5-7 year old.)
Specter is an ass, but I'm not too sure about the cleanliness of fudge-packers and diesel-dykes.
Kerry's sugar mama is going to slap him for that mustard remark. Say it again. If enough people switch to mustard, she may cut off his allowance money. usual your rhetoric is fact less and pointless, mere conjecture and opinion. You, I and every American have lost privacy rights with the Bush Cabal. That is a fact, and that fact leads to the next step for right-wing round-ups. As I recall they pulled their Fascist crap and "scare" tactics in the 1950's and ruined many lives in doing so. Eventually the American public turned on McCarthy and his cabal, just as they are turning on Bush...just keep those rose colored glasses on, you will need them.
Iraq is a shambles, and of course we went there for the oil, it is a long term investment dingbat…the hand will be played eventually. Unless of course the insurgency gets so powerful as to control the Iraqi interment government ( you know, the guys that are supposed to be on OUR side but really are not) Then it will be a rout of the occupiers or an all out civil war, as big Daddy Bush knew all to well, but Jr. had to take it into the ditch just to make sure. Your party is totally incompetent and corrupt…face the facts.
Since we went into Afghanistan Mr. Cheney's biggest accomplishment was a pipeline deal (natural gas) for his buddies in the oil industry, that is called corporate cronyism...look it up, apparently you live in some make believe world and these things just do not exist. As for the rest of that country, the Warlords are back in power growing poppy-dope as will be the Taliban. And of course there is Osama bin "forgotten" and he will never be caught, your group could not find their own ass with both hands. Abject failures, all.
You and your ilk are on a downward spiral, although many of you are in deep denial, that will not stop the change of the tides. It will be good by and good riddance for your corrupt , bloated and totally dysfunctional party come 06’ and 08’. Good Americans and certainly most of the world will be glad to see your people gone from power, as was expected your bunch just can’t handle it.
Absolutely brilliant blog. After more reading I'm mightily impressed.
C'mon! He's pulling your leg. And so's that idiot who says that Bush should fire the court, the Congress and rule by decree. Sadly, for him, the Soviet Union under Stalin no longer exists. He would have loved it.
Jon, a brilliant solution to these constitutional roadblocks, or, as the critics call them, checks and balances.
Nope! It was James Madison et al who used the term "separation of powers" —not Bush critics. But what right has Madison to talk about the Constitution; he only wrote that "...that goddamned piece of paper!" Today's right wing is not worthy to carry Madison's piss pot.
Judging from how the White House seems to operate, they may have declared themselves enemy combatants and locked themselves in a mental state far away from the rest of America
And the world would have been a safer place.
Bush would be justified to send the Marines to the Supreme Court today.
Just as Hitler was justified in dismantling the German courts and replacing them with his hand picked "People's Court". Uh huh! What rock were you under? Get back under it!
If the Republicans had any balls they would clean house.
And they also lack brains. What we really need is an all exalted emperor, a potentate, a prophet, a royal highness, a king, a poobah, a Pol Pot, a Mao, a Stalin i.e. someone who can make the laws up as he goes along...someone who really belives that "The Constitution is just a goddamnned piece of paper!" —GWB
As usual, the typical assorted right-wing delusionals pay a people are as dumb as DeLay
A lone voice of reason in bedlam! Someone just turned on the light! The rest of you idiots, get back back under that rock; crawl back into that crack! The thing about right wing roaches is this: it's not so much what they carry off and eat that's so repulsive; it's what they fall into and spoil!
I know you feel you have to prove that leftists are all idiots, but you're going way beyond the call of duty.
This is the third time you've failed to make your hysterical points. I asked you 3 simple questions and you have yet to answer them. You didn't even try. You just pulled your tinfoil hat down even tighter and started screeching on a higher frequency.
"NAME ONE FREEDOM YOU'VE LOST SINCE BUSH WAS ELECTED." Since you've tried to change your story to privacy rights instead of freedoms, let's see you name one privacy right you've lost. Just one bit of private information that the evil BusHitler has stolen from you. Spare me any bullshit about public information being "private." Your name, address, phone number, social security number, medical records, dental records, school records, etc. were never private. The authorities can access these at any time, and they've ALWAYS been able to. It's a moot point because neither Bush nor the NSA compiles this information in any data base.
Your regurgitated conspiracy theories are a sign of your dementia.
America already had Iraq's oil before the war--and we payed a hell of a lot less for it than we do now. How shit-for-brains stupid do you have to be to think that Bush spent trillions of dollars (hundreds of trillions?) on the mission in Iraq to steal oil that we already had access to? Stupid enough to complain about the cost of the "war" (which ended years ago,) out of one side of your mouth, while claiming Bush was trying to get "free" oil out of the other. It doesn't get any stupider than that.
"Where is the oil he took from Iraq? Why are gas prices so high if his buddies are swimming in it?" Very easy questions. Not so easy to answer.
Your inaccurate description of Iraq has no bearing on this conversation, but I'll debunk it anyway, just for kicks.
What insurgency are you talking about? There is no centrally organized effort to overthrow the Iraqi government, which hasn't been an interim government since the last elections. The so-called insurgents are nothing but a disparate collection of terrorists and Sunni scumbags trying unsuccessfully to destabilize the government and carve out little fiefdoms for themselves. The terrorist factions want a base for international terrorism, as do the leftist scumbags like you who support them. The different Sunni factions want political power.
The so-called "civil War" you leftists are praying for is a sham. Iran is trying to set the Iraqi security police against the rest of the country, but the minister in charge is purging the force of criminal elements. The Sunnis are already begging at the bargaining table.
I'm Still waiting for the civil war you moonbats predicted. Of course, EVERY SINGLE PREDICTION YOU CRETINS MADE ABOUT IRAQ WAS WRONG. Why should this one be any different?
The bad-guys have been getting their wimpy asses kicked from day one, and Iraq will soon be able to handle their own security without American aid. Iraq desperately wants American forces to stay there as until they're ready to take over. America is Iraq's greatest protector and benefactor, and Iraqis don't want anything to do with your cut n' run cowardice. So much for U.S. troops being "occupiers."
The mission in Iraq is being accomplished far faster than the Marshall Plan for Germany and Japan was, and with far fewer casualties. Only 2500. More people died on a single day in WWII.
"Which country was invaded so that America could appropriate their arms? Afghanistan or Iraq? I thought you idiots said there were no WMD?" Still waiting for you to address that choice bit of lunacy.
Your side is incompetent and treasonous. Everybody knows it--that's why you Dhimmiecrat dumb-asses keep losing elections. Your comments about "occupiers" and Commie "witch-hunts" reveals your true agenda. Newsflash: There were no witches in Salem. Washington was heavily infiltrated by communists when McCarthy held his hearings. Try reading the Venona documents released by Russia, you ignoramus.
The only pipes in Afghanistan are leftist pipe dreams. How many pipe-loads do you morons have to smoke before you believe fantasies about pipelines across the 24,000 ft Pamirs that are cheaper than ordinary shipping methods? Maybe you can show me a photo of your impossible "pipeline," or even a blueprint.
Vice President Cheney doesn't sit on the board of any company, much less a gas company that isn't going to build a pipeline from Fantasy Land, across Afghanistan to La La Land. Who exactly are his "buddies" and how would he benefit from them investing in a boondoggle to nowhere? Cheney's finances are a matter of public record, so your imagined kick-backs are an impossibility. Then there's the inconvenient fact that THERE IS NO GAS PIPELINE BEING BUILT THERE--EVER.
Someone needs to check a dictionary, and it isn't me. Look under "unhinged" and "delusional" Then check into the nearest sanitarium, for your own sake if for noone else's.
"My bunch" aren't going anywhere. They've been a majority in Congress since Clinton was President, they're guiding the White House, and the Supreme Court is shedding left-wing activist judges at an unprecedented rate. We control the culture, while your lot controls the propaganda outlets in the old Establishment Media, Hollyweird and the university system--for now. The Dhimmiecrats wont gain the majority in Congress. Their cut n' run non-plan doesn't fly with mainstream America. Constant negativity and open treason isn't a vote winner, and "Bush Sucks" isn't a realistic campaign platform. Hillary Clinton is detested like no other and doesn't have a chance in 08.
Talk about inaccurate ("fact less" is incorrect English--there's a reason your spell checker separated the two words,) pointless conjecture and opinion. Good luck in the upcoming elections, dreamer. America learned its lesson with team Billary. There wont be a repeat, much to the chagrin of terrorists, leftists and Chinese tyrants hoping for more free missile technology.
"C'mon! He's pulling your leg. And so's that idiot who says that Bush should fire the court, the Congress and rule by decree. Sadly, for him, the Soviet Union under Stalin no longer exists. He would have loved it."
The parody here is so close to reality that you can't blame misneach for taking it at face value. After all, the notion that the Supreme Court's decision was constitutional is too ridiculous for a rational mind to even consider.
Please show me were anyone on this tread advocated Bush "firing" Congress and the Court and ruling by decree. Asinine hyperbole like that only convinces others of your abject stupidity. I know facts and reason are anathema to the left, but you're overdoing it.
"Nope! It was James Madison et al who used the term "separation of powers" —not Bush critics. But what right has Madison to talk about the Constitution; he only wrote that "...that goddamned piece of paper!" Today's right wing is not worthy to carry Madison's piss pot."
Madison's talk of separation of powers referred to the President's office and Congress, you raging ignoramus. Check Article III, sect. 3 of the Constitution for the limitations Madison AND THE OTHER WRITERS OF THE CONSTITUTION placed on the Supreme Court's power.
Instead of plagiarizing someone else's distortion of Madison's words, why don't you try reading them for yourself? While you're at it, read a copy of the Constitution. I'm sure you can find one with a Google search. It's a 100% certainty that you don't own one. Of course, I'm asking a leftist to be rational and actually do some research. That's ridiculous to expect.
"And the world would have been a safer place."
The White House is full of nutsos? The world would be a better place if they were institutionalized? Tell that to the women in Afghanistan and Iraq. Tell it to the 300 million Americans who haven't been attacked by terrorists since 911. Tell it to the hundreds of thousands of terrorists he had killed. oh, wait. You can't, because they're dead and no longer a threat. The 1400 year history of islamic depredation is Bush's fault--is that it genius?
"Just as Hitler was justified in dismantling the German courts and replacing them with his hand picked "People's Court". Uh huh! What rock were you under? Get back under it!"
With this decision, the Supreme Court violated the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions, and inaccurately described Al Qaeda terrorists as lawful combatants from a battle between the Taliban and opposition forces. Affirmative Action also violates the Constitution.
You might want to try reading the Constitution sometime. Try Article II, sect. 2. I don't recall the German courts violating national law--not that Hitler dismantled them for that reason. Your analogy is spurious and idiotic. It's a moot point, because Bush hasn't hindered the SC in any way, shape or form, much less "dismantled" it. What's that? What rock are you under? It's hard to hear you when your head is up your ass.
"And they also lack brains. What we really need is an all exalted emperor, a potentate, a prophet, a royal highness, a king, a poobah, a Pol Pot, a Mao, a Stalin i.e. someone who can make the laws up as he goes along...someone who really belives that "The Constitution is just a goddamnned piece of paper!" —GWB"
Bush is an Emperor, eh? The Supreme Court upheld the Constitution, eh? Right. And you're the queen of Denmark. It least you have the dress and you're nut-less. Someone is halfway to their dream. I swear, nothing reveals the mental illness of the left like their unhinged nonsense about "King George." Nothing reveals their group-think so clearly, either. You need to adjust the controls on your tinfoil hat, nerd master.
"A lone voice of reason in bedlam! Someone just turned on the light! The rest of you idiots, get back back under that rock; crawl back into that crack! The thing about right wing roaches is this: it's not so much what they carry off and eat that's so repulsive; it's what they fall into and spoil!"
Learn the difference between a "right-winger" and moderates who uphold the Constitution. When you talk out of your ass, it sounds like you need to wipe it. It's not the hate-mongering, or stupidity ultra, hard-core left-wingers are that's so offensive; it's your desire to hold back the rest of us.
Fly back to your special needs cave, moonbat. The Special Olympics are for the top retards, not the bottom rung. are a waste of time, just turn Rush up and dream on.
It didn't take much to make you cry, did it? Unique boys like you are so sensitive. Did I spoil your post Independence day viewing of "The Wizard of Oz?"
Take your version of rush and "relax, don't do it."
It is a great honor to be linked to in a post by such a renowned and well-respected conservative as Jon Swift. I am sure my stature in the conservative world will rise meteorically as a result, and soon I will get links from such peerless, noble, and kind-hearted souls as Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.
This is satire, right? :)
If the supreme court is extending American right of challenging their detentions in American courts to foreign combants being held by American forces on foreign soil then what other American rights will they be granted in American courts? Will American soliders fighting in foreign wars be required to read their foes their Miranda rights before, during and after the fighting?
You and I both apperceive that there are may fake watches alarm makers and buyers on the market. If you plan to amusement yourself one piece, there are some admonition and tips you'd bigger follow. Afterwards all, acclimated items don't beggarly that there are damaged or crafted by others added than the aboriginal manufacturers.
Well, I don't really think it will work.
Thank you very much
That is great to hear, thank you for reading!
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
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