I don't care if Alec Baldwin's daughter is 11 years old or 12 years old or however old she is, she is a disgrace and her treatment of her father is beyond the pale. It's hard not to feel sympathy for Baldwin as he outlines his grievances against the little monster in a telephone message that was released to TMZ. "Once again I've made an ass out of myself trying to get to a phone at a specific time," Baldwin angrily told his daughter dearest when she missed a previously scheduled telephone call. "I'm tired of playing this game with you. You have insulted me for the last time." He concluded by vowing to "straighten her out" when he sees her again.
Apparently this "rude, thoughtless little pig," as Baldwin called her, who doesn't "have the brains or the decency as a human being," either doesn't know or doesn't care how her inconsiderate actions affect her father. While not answering the telephone when your father calls may seem trivial, even the smallest of cruelties can be very hurtful to a parent. Fathers are extremely vulnerable and children should be very careful about what they say and do to them. Above all fathers need to know that their children love them. What Alec Baldwin's daughter did to him is the kind of thing that could emotionally scar him for life.
Even though Baldwin is a liberal, this is not a liberal or conservative issue. Some conservatives are using this incident to bash Hollywood or take the aging movie and TV star to task for his politics, but I think all fathers, liberal and conservative alike, know what Baldwin is going through and we should set aside our political differences and back him up. The star of TV's 30 Rock and of such films as Glengarry Glen Ross, The Cooler and The Departed is not someone who easily loses his temper, so his daughter's treatment of him must have been truly egregious to send him over the edge like that.
What Baldwin's daughter did to him is bad enough but it could have far-reaching implications. What if other children get the idea that they can behave as she did? As the daughter of a celebrity she is role model to youth so she needs to be extra careful about her behavior. Her reprehensible conduct could set off a host of copycat incidents where children insult their parents and then sneer, "Well, Alec Baldwin's daughter did it so it must be OK." I hope our children understand that just because a celebrity's daughter does something, that does not make it right.
I also feel very sympathetic about the plight of the girl's mother, Oscar-winning actress Kim Basinger (LA Confidential). After all, under the custody agreement she has with the Oscarless Baldwin, she has to live with the little brat. I'm sure she was frustrated by having to rely on coddling liberal activist judges to straighten her daughter out and felt that the only way to nip this problem in the bud was to defy a court order and embarrass her daughter by releasing this tape to the media. Hillary Clinton may think it takes a village to raise a child, but a global village is a lot more effective when it comes to disciplining a child. Airing her family's dirty linen on the Internet and subjecting her daughter to public humiliation is the only way to make sure this never happens again. There is nothing like being the butt of cruel jokes from kids in school to keep a child on the straight and narrow.
I'm glad to see that Baldwin and Basinger have thrown out Dr. Spock's outdated book, Baby and Child Care, which created a generation of spoiled baby boomers, and are using new technology such as the Internet to help raise their daughter. I think their actions will inspire parents around the world to post their own humiliating audio clips and pictures of their children to their blogs. The next time your child throws a tantrum, just threaten to post a video of it to YouTube where all their friends can see. That should quiet them down. The Internet opens up a host of potential avenues for embarrassing your children into behaving. However, there are some tried and true methods that parents have used for centuries that Baldwin and Basinger might also want to try, such as threatening to sell your children to gypsies. If there is one idea I have strived to instill in my children it is that having parents is a privilege not a right.
Parents should be honest with their children and I think Baldwin did the right thing by not hypocritically hiding his contempt for his ex-wife when he told his daughter that her mother is a "pain in the ass." I think we shield our children too much from reality. They need to grow up and face facts. Children should also be held accountable when their actions are causing a rift between parents. Some liberal psychiatrists claim parents who divorce shouldn't let their kids believe that they are at fault. But I think if the kids are to blame for breaking up their parents they should be forced to take full responsibility. Some narcissistic kids will selfishly exploit any angle, even going so far as to pit one divorced parent against the other and use them as pawns to further their own selfish agendas instead of thinking about what is best for their parents. Perhaps Alec Baldwin's daughter should be reminded that there is a whole network of foster parents who could use the extra few hundred bucks a month they would get from taking her in.
Professor Stephen Bainbridge has another good suggestion: hand her over to Don Imus. At least, that's what I think he is proposing since it's a bit difficult to tell what the point of his post is.
So I hope Alec Baldwin's ungrateful little wretch realizes just how good she has it. She may have succeeded in hurting her parents this time, but in the end, if she's not careful, she'll find out her parents can hurt her a lot more.
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Jon Swift, Alec Baldwin, Kim Basinger, Oscars, Academy Awards, Hollywood, Dr. Spock,Child Care, Politics, Film, Movies, Movie
What’s a Little Wingnut Nepotism?
30 minutes ago
The Alec Baldwin Spin Control-He Said. She Did.
Why be a good celebrity parent? There's nothing more boring than setting a good example--Alec's heated tirade voice mail, calling out his 11 year-old daughter, is called parenting. No Anger Management here. No rehab. No check up from the neck up. But no Father's Day card either. He regreted saying all of that . Is this enough to make him finally make good on his promise to leave the country? It should be, given that spending quality time with your children, if you are a divorced father in America , amounts to being a throwaway dad, where the mother often holds her kids for ransom. More than that, when an angry wife makes an accusation, it is assumed true, regardless of how outrageous and the Father's rights are taken away until he can prove himself innocent.
Alec's Own Private Durham. Put up your Dukes Kim!
What about Basinger? For making a private, within-the-family disagreement between a father and daughter into Mad TV, Anger as entertainment. Releasing a voice mail your ex-husband left for your kid in the middle of a custody battle---Wow that takes balls. Alec will never be the man his daughter's Mother is.
More at:
The star of TV's 30 Rock and of such films as Glengarry Glen Ross, The Cooler and The Departed is not someone who easily loses his temper...
Um, actually, his temper is pretty much legendary. As I noted in my posting you linked to, the great surprise here is not that he says such things, but that he says them to his own preadolescent daughter -- I'm sorry, "pig."
Jay Tea
Main Page Editor
Although the media machine is often out of control, even if a portion of the message that Alec Baldwin left for his daughter is true - he is disgrace & rude, thoughtless pig.
Parenting is a job acquired with no skill check, background check or more importantly - common sense. He lost the battle when he chose to vent his anger towards an 11/12 year-old child. I know that her background makes her wise beyond her years but does it give her any additional tools in dealing with adult emotions? Mr. Baldwin should check into with his therapist again for anger management. A historical problem for him -
Once again I've made an ass out of myself trying to get to a phone at a specific time, Baldwin angrily told his daughter
Well, gosh, the man had trouble getting to a phone. That's understandable. Perhaps we could take up a collection and buy him a cell.
A disgrace indeed Mr. Swift. It is children like this that make me question my belief that abortions should be limited to the first two trimesters. I now see that there is a good case for permitting abortions up to and including the 51st trimester.
I love your site, but you are so far off of the mark on this one it isn't even funny.
Children have leeway to make mistakes because, well, they are children. Adults, on the other hand, don't have the same kind of leeway becasue they are (supposedly) all-growed-up.
Like it or not, Baldwin happens to be a FAMOUS father as well, and he has to deal with those reprecussions as well.
I don't care what she did (and by the way, despite your best efforts, her 'sin' was quite trivial), the kind of wrath Baldwin unleashe is inexcusable.
Can you blame her for not wanting to pick up the phone after something like that?!?!
Wow. Most people don't get it. Tough gig doing satire on the Internet.
Is it part of the satire, though, to say that I used the incident to bash Hollywood or Baldwin's liberal politics? Because if it is, it falls flat.
This crop of the clueless is especially funny since it includes one of the Wizbang boys not getting it once again!
At this point, I think the only thing I can do is deny I ever made that comment and blame an imposter, or perhaps a Glenn Greenwald sock puppet...
I can't believe that you say Alec isn't known for his temper. You could ask his wife, several photographers, and Ken Starr's family whether he either threatened them or actually did commit violent acts against them and they might have a different opinion. His threat to his daughter to "straighten you out" reminded me of the bar tender in "the Shining" when he said that he had to CORRECT his family. Baldwin has a real problem and he dosen't need to take it out on an eleven year old, one fifth his size.
"This crop of the clueless..." - s
Yes, blogs like this present a real problem to the efficient production of comments in the blogosphere. It is because of bloggers like Mr. Swift that I have been forced to adopt a policy of actually reading posts that I am commenting on. I cannot tell you how annoying that can be. I long for the good old days when reading the headline/subject was more than adequate preparation for an in-depth cut-and-pasted analytical commentary. My commenting production is a fraction of what it used to be as a result. I fear for the future of pontification on the blogosphere if everyone is suddenly compelled to read posts before commenting on them.
I agree with anonymous.
Baldwin has a real problem and he dosen't need to take it out on an eleven year old, one fifth his size.
Baldwin is 74 inches tall and weighs around 205. If she's only 15 inches tall and weighs 40+ pounds, Baldwin's clearly in the right.
As for Basinger, in the two times I've seen her, she tried to trick Garth into killing her husband (presumably Alec) and had sloshy sex with Mickey Rourke. Nothing is too low for this woman.
I have no opinion on the child except that her people need to parlay this into some real money. Oprah is waiting on the launch pad.
Actually, is it too late for me to say, "Who Cares?"
I sincerely hope, as someone suggested, you were merely being satirical.
If not, you're mind is almost as frightening as that ballistic Baldwin fellow.
Anonymous said...
I agree with anonymous.
How can you say you agree with anonymous?! His argument was ridicuous and specious.
On the other hand, I think anonymous made some good points.
The mother has ruining the relationship with the father for awhile now. She even released the tape. Baldwin stated this was the last time, meaning its been an ongoing thing. As the father he shouldn't have his relationship ruined by the mother. Fathers have a right to have a loving relationship with his daughter, the mother is interfering and should be held accountable.
The mother is the one at fault, shes actively trying to ruin the daughters relationship with the father. The mother released the voicemail to the public. This isn't the first time the father had to put up with the mother interfering with communications with the daughter. Fathers tend to get mad after so much disgraceful actions of the mother, and then get punished for caring. The court should recognize that the mother is interfering.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I agree with anonymous.
Have we got some sort of anonymising recursive algorithm going on?
Incidentally I agree with anonymous
mw, it isn't reading the posting that's the problem; it's understanding what you've read. I often take the time to read postings all the way through, but I rarely have the time to understand them. I think it is dreadfully inconsiderate of commenters to expect other commenters to actually understand what they read. That requires paying attention and thinking. Am I to be expected to do all that after spending my valuable time sounding out the words? That's a bit above the odds, don't you think?
I am glad this has gotten the public's attention back to what matters to me -- the hilarious antics of obnoxious Hollywood leftists -- and away from depressing things we can't do anything about, so why even think about them?
I do wonder whether the offspring of these tug-o-warring celebs will be getting a .22 semi-automatic and a Glock for her 23rd birthday. Because by the time she's in college, she could use it...
Seriously who cares. Nothing happened of any importance recently except Alec Baldwin crabbing at his daughter?
Oh but his personal life is subject to your scrutiny because you are so much better than him.
I feel really bad for the kid. Mom's a whack job and dad is an immature, abusive idiot. On the other hand, this probably describes 80% of American households.
Parents get angry and say dumb things. Real parents don't character-assasinate their own children, though, and a reasonably mature, thoughtful adult in the middle of a nasty custody battle would certainly not commit such ugly, foolish comments to tape. On the other hand, a protective mother would not humiliate her child by making these comments public. Kim and Alec are booth behaving shamefully.
Just out of curiosity, what fraction of your readership, would you say, don't understand your methodology here? I would hope the very name of this blog would make it clear, but there you go. Obviously, the only choice is to eat their babies.
I can't believe that some of the commenters here haven't realized that this is a satirical blog. Doesn't the fact that it's titled "Jon Swift" give you a clue?
Maybe you should all go back and take high school freshman literature again. Evidently you need it.
Or maybe you thought that "A Modest Proposal" was actually a good idea?
we've heard enough from anonymous, if that is even your name...
you're a schizo...
do the rest of us who take this shit seriously a favor: get over yourself and quit hogging up all the comments with anonymnous point of view...
That Anonymous is such a mouth-breather, I wish he'd go away once and for all. Anonymous, on the other hand, seems possessed of a rare insight into the situation. And finally Anonymous is a scary pervert. Oh, and anyone who talks to their daughter like Baldwin apparently does needs a swift kick in the nuts, hard, with cleats.
Personally, I think a steel cage match between Alec and Ireland is in order, perhaps with flaming hot metal brands as weapons of choice.
And I agree with anonymous. Altho anonymous is full of it.
Unless you are the non-custodial spouse with children whom the custodial parent has used to humiliate, manipulate and otherwise torture you, you can't relate to this episode.
I understand Baldwin's frustration. His ex is apparently doing everything in her power to poison the relationship he has (or wants to have) with his child, and to take advantage of the fact that she has custody of the daughter (and he doesn't). Where is the opprobrium the ex wife so richly deserves for abusing this situation?
Having said that, I just wish he hadn't taken it out on his daughter, who is an innocent victim of her mother's machinations.
Just out of curiosity, what fraction of your readership, would you say, don't understand your methodology here?
36%. Unless I don't understand. Then it's 64%.
And Jon, you need to stop leaving food around this blog, the anonymice are getting out of hand.
Blunt response - I've seen lots of good fathers going through bs want to vent like that.
I've also seen some of them occasionally actually vent. Most of them would be mortally embarrassed if it were posted on TMZ.com.
Maybe he's a bad father. Or maybe he lost his patience after a bad day, his cell was dead, he embarrassed himself trying to get to a phone, and then got stiffed by his child and ex-wife playing what he felt was another game of "how many hoops can we make dad jump through".
Should he be embarrassed - yeah. Should he have to deal with his lost patience being displayed on TMZ.com. Probably not.
And Jon, you need to stop leaving food around this blog, the anonymice are getting out of hand.
Aha! Well, someone needs to tell them that the cookies and pie were in the Gonzalez post. There are no refreshments here. Scat!
Ahem - when do we get an expert opinion on this item that says, simply, "This is none of our business, and the media attention is doing far more damage than any voice mail asschewing could have?"
Repeat: This incident is none of our business.
Alec Baldwin's daughter is a very lucky girl. Receiving a personal voice mail from a famous celebrity at the tender age of 11, or 12, whichever, is so awesome! She should thank her mom for uploading it the the internet so all her friends can hear it, too.
I believe jafo didn't get it!
I was surprised to hear people defending Alec Baldwin, until I talked to one of my best friends and she defended him too. She says her dad said things like that to her all the time. So now I just assume that people who are defending him either a) had lousy parents or b) are lousy parents.
I'm 38, and my dad has never spoken like that to me in my life.
Any man who has raised a daughter in the past two decades can recognize the father-hatred endemic to our culture in rich or poor families. It doesn't matter who you are as a man, or what you do, you will be hated by your daughter! It is a requirement for young women in America.
Well played, Mr. Swift!
I believe the only important lesson to learn from all this is that Kim Basinger remains very 'do-able'.
Why should anyone dwell on any lesser matter than that?
Priorities, people!
Nothing he said in that voice mail is half as bad as the stuff I hear mothers screaming at their children in the aisles of my local super market. At least Baldwins behavior was in private... note my use of the word "WAS"
Nor was it any worse than the things my own parents said to me when I was a stupid little brat. Look kids do stupid things and Adults say stupid things. It happens. Anyone who acts shocked or appalled by this is a hypocrite and a fake. It's called real life, celebrities live it too.
The only shocking thing is that Basinger stooped so incredibly low and released this private moment to the press in an attempt to smear her ex husband and score points in court.
So, since an 11 year old girl was not available and waiting at 7AM (as he called at 11AM EST and she is in California (4 hours difference), that is cause for what he said?
Also, Jon, if you would actually read my post (where I deleted your comment, and I won't be surprised if mine lasts any longer here), you would have read my numerous comments that I was NOT debating what he said, as I KNOW all parents are human, and will once or so lose their cool. Nor was I "taking him to task for his politics", merely his blatant HYPOCRISY.
You see, Baldwin, like many others in Hollywood, has taken it upon himself to lecture America on how to do everything, including in some respects, parenting. I seem to remember him being involved in trying to convince people to stop using words which could "damage a young girl's self image", as that can lead to eating disorders and/or psychological problems, but he has no qualms about calling his own daughter a "pig".
Well, I've said my piece.....
Smokey, I hate to surprise you but I won't be deleting your comment here. I welcome diverse viewpoints in my comments and don't delete a comment simply because someone disagrees with me. In case anyone is wondering what Smokey is referring to, you can find his piece here
Dear Jon:
I think that everyone on your blog, especially you and Smokey miss the main point: Alec Baldwin is fat. We should not be making fun of him for his parental failures but for the fact that he is a fattie.
Robert Kinsella
I believe the time difference between coasts is 3 hours. But that could just be my liberal bias.
While Smokey seems like an intelligent and reasonable conservative, he is clearly not an originalist. Apparently he has altered his post and (maybe because of the deletions) eight of the 21 comments are by Smokey himself. I do not approve of such activist blogging, although his actions are no where near as reprehensible as your deleted April Fools Day post.
"I think it is dreadfully inconsiderate of commenters to expect other commenters to actually understand what they read." - dbk
Yes, exactly. And look at where this all leads. Right here, in this comment thread, there appears to be an expeectation that commenters not only read and understand the source post but ... if am reading this correctly ... there is actually an expectation that commenters read and understand the other comments! ... And - this is where it gets really unbelievable - do time zone arithmetic at the same time!!!
That's it. I cannot be part of this. Jon, please delete all of my comments and cut and paste them into smokey's blog. Thanks.
n light of my mentor Jonathan Swift's horrifying tale of a child behaving badly, I have my own sad and horrifying admission to make. I have done a bad thing. I, I, I... YELLED AT MY CAT.
Yes, my cat. A fluffy innocent kitty that had done nothing wrong except jump up on my computer desk and walk in front of my computer screen and mew pitiably to be petted, as cats are wont to do when their human is not properly worshipping them. But I was too busy, too inconsiderate, too, too... HUMAN... and I yelled at the cat instead, calling him bad names for getting in my way while I was trying to work on my computer. I even picked him up and set him down behind my chair! Sob! Can you ever forgive me? I have damaged my poor kitty for life. Oh I feel so ASHAMED...
-- Badtux the Abashed Penguin
My dad told me I was the product of a failed abortion when I was 13. I respected him for his honesty. Alec may have said some strong things, but his child will always respect him for telling the truth. Isn't that what this country is all about?
In the spirit of Jon Swift, I think that Baldwin should EAT his ungrateful daughter! (Not THAT way, you sniggering sickos. That would be molestation.)
He brought her into the world, and it's his right to take her out. In the interests of shared parental responsibility, he can give half to Basinger. Although I suppose they'd just bring in the lawyers to argue over who gets the thighs.
And BadTux, you should eat your cat.
Isn't the plural for anonymouses anonymice?
you are a disgusting freak. figure out your life. what you wrote is wrong, and you are a fucking moron. NO CHILD THAT YOUNG SHOULD BE CALLED THAT FOR NOT PICKING UP A FUCKING PHONE CALL..jesus christ. no person, no human being. pick up your own call, fagwad.
Anonymous at 4/25/2007 3:25 PM:
I can't put my finger on just what it is; but there's something about your comment that makes me think you are not the very best person to be giving advice on decorum.
I'm sorry to say this Jon, but whatever it was you wrote at Mr Smokey's blog, it probably deserved to be deleted. I read the comments there and found Smokey to be a very reasonable man. He agrees with Wild Bill that Baldwin's behavior would be totally acceptable if he had been screaming abuse and threats at an 11-year-old boy - that's good parenting. But as he rightly points out, saying "pig" to a girl might give her an eating disorder. I usually agree wholeheartedly with your views, Jon, especially on the need to lower the minimum wage. But on this occasion you are just being heartless. I am seriously considering canceling my subscription.
Does anyone wonder if Alec Baldwin and Mel Gibson are drinking buddies?
I'm pretty sure everyone involved in this is out of line.
But the quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven. To quote Larry King, or B.B. King, or whoever it was, "Can't we all just get along?"
---mistah charley, ph.d.
PS See the great episode of Washington, D.C. Comics at imissfaf.blogspot.com
Jon Swift --
At first, as I was reading, I thought your blogpost was a piece of sarcastic satire. But you're actually serious. What a joke. Alec made an ass of himself, pure and simple. Even if his daughter is a brat, this is an irresponsible way to speak to an 11-year old child.
At first, as I was reading, I thought your comment was serious. But you're actually writing a piece of sarcastic satire. What a statement: "Even if Alec made an ass of himself - his daughter is a brat, pure and simple."
I think you've really captured the spirit of Mr. Swift's work. Well played.
I find your war with Smokey to be amusing. Keep up the good work. :-)
As a mother who is a victim of parental alienation as well as my children, Unless you have lived through the emotional upheaval of going through this, you have no right to judge!
My ex husband decided two years ago to pursue his first girlfriend. Thinking he would wind up with her and so much in love, he decided to contrive up a plot to move out and blame me. He took our 11 yr old son. Left our 9 yr old daughter and moved out. But not only out of the house, but against mine and the courts permission, removed him from school and moved out of state. For over 18 months, I had no contact with my son and he had no contact with his sister and that wasn’t by my doing. His father kept him from us. Oh he played up being the doting father and would tell our daughter how much he loves her, yet at 9 my daughter turned to me and said, if he loves me so much why hasn’t he fought for me? Why did he take my brother away from me? I made excuses and was told by counselors to NOT make up excuses for her father because she wasn’t stupid and could see for herself what was going on. My children and I were inseparable. You know how my ex got to my son? I punished him from using Playstation, my ex told him, come with me and you could play it anytime you want. He said this in front of me and my daughter, my son, being addicted to the games, took his system and smirked at me and left! Yes its that easy! Two years later, that child has been ordered by court to be with me and his father has refused to bring him to me. Two years!!! What is wrong with the system? They don’t do anything to make sure the parent is following custody orders or any orders that are given out by a judge. I am following the orders to a T and making sure to obey the law and here he is not following anything and making excuses he has no money to drive back and forth for visitation with his daughter or bring me my son. So You can see where the frustration builds and as wrong as it was for Mr. Baldwin to do what he did, it happened and I am sure he is as sorry about it as any parent that yells at their child. Parents aren’t perfect and worse has been said. We all do it and its misdirected and wrong to do so. So very wrong because its the ex spouse that deserves those words and the poor child suffers when that spouse doesn’t follow the custody orders.
I just hope that the laws in this country as well as individuals states change, and do so soon, there are too many relationships that are being destroyed by bitter spouses and children are only with us a very short time before they want to go on their own. How sad for us to have to spend those years fighting the court system just to be able to spend quality time with our children.
This is great.
someone needs to tell them that the cookies and pie were in the Gonzalez post. There are no refreshments here. Scat!
Nonsense, the suckling pig is delicious. Soooooie!
Mr Swift must be psychic to know that the daughter deliberately chose to not answer the phone. It couldn't have possibly been that for some reason she was unable to answer the phone. Good to know someone has all the knowledge and all the answers! Never give anyone the benefit of the doubt, either, particularly kids - it's much better to assume the worst about those nasty little twerps.
Hello does anyone know how evil children are??? Do you remember being a kid and being like if I had a choice and my parents broke up I would live with (the more lienient parent)??? Kids are not these precious little flowers that we need to tip toe around. We need to tell them how we feel because if we dont someone will! If she is Kim Basingerks little girl she will be one pile of dog shit that should have never been spawned. We need no more little rich bitches in the world. Someone should tell her shes fat maybe she will start the coke now. LOL
I say take the child away from her unfit parents. She'd be better off. Some people shouldn't even think about having children. These people obviously need a lot of time with their shrinks & the child needs a lot of time away from these nuts!
Anyone who is criticizing Alec Baldwin has obviously not lived with a mother who has manipulated their kids against the father. This blogger is absolutely right and honestly a lot of kids in the country (or world) need to be told what Alec told his daughter.
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Jon Swift,
You are a jackass as most Fox Noise Conservatives are.
He could have just said 'I'm a little upset, I'm confused, I'm honestly hurt and a little disappointed you don't chose to speak to me. But I love you, and I hope you answer next time.'
No pointing fingers.
But, who released the voicemail? Kim?
This is a disgrace! To objectify the actions of an innocent young girl like this and vilify her for being (as most teenagers are) somewhat disorganized. Who really cares if Alec Baldwin has a hissy fit just because his daughter, probably for perfectly legitimate reasons, fails to pick up the phone at a set time??? What we should be worried about is the clear signs of emotional abuse and neglect that is being inflicted on an innocent victim, namely the cursed daughter of Baldwin and Bassinger.
Children or teenagers do not just become spoiled, inconsiderate little brats without the presence of negative influences in their lives. It is no wonder that poor Ireland is sick of dealing with her mum and dad's drama after having to grow up through a lengthy and incredibly nasty, highly publicized divorce and custody battle. Give the girl a break and focus more of your attention on your own life you sad old phoneys.
You are hysterical! I thought this was serious at first...thank you for the laugh!
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