The judges for the 2006 Weblog Awards have seen fit to grant this modest blog the honor of a nomination for Best Humor Blog, which is quite a remarkable achievement considering that virtually all of the humor on this blog is completely unintentional. Of course, it's an honor just to be nominated, which puts this blog in the company of such other just-nominated luminaries as John Kerry, Bob Dole, Michael Dukakis, Faith Hill, Mario Lopez, Tom Cruise and Ali McGraw. But like George Bush, I am pro-victory, so I would humbly like to urge all of you to vote for my blog by clicking on this link:
Unfortunately, the sponsors of this award have decided to set an artificial timetable and deadline for voting, which I think sends the wrong message to the terrorists but I was not consulted about this beforehand. Everyone is permitted to vote once a day for eight days from Thursday, December 7 to December 15. The Weblog Awards' unique voting system, which I believe was developed by Diebold, requires the Macromedia Flash Version 7 plugin and will not let you vote if you have already voted on the same computer in the preceding 24 hours.
Of course, all of the nominees are very fine blogs, and I hope you will check out as many as you can, but I would also like to put in a word for some of the nominees on my blogroll who have been especially supportive of this blog and to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude: The Moderate Voice (Best Centrist Blog), Michael Bérubé (Best Educational Blog), Tom Watson (Best Culture Blog), Pam's House Blend (Best LGBT Blog), Shakespeare's Sister (Best Liberal Blog), Andrew Sullivan (Best Individual Blog), Glenn Greenwald's Unclaimed Territory (Best Individual Blog), Majikthise (Best Individual Blog) and skippy the bush kangaroo (Best Liberal Blog), Jesus' General (Best Liberal Blog), Nehring the Edge (Top 1751 - 2500 Blogs), konagod (Best New Blog), Robin Slick:In Her Own Write (Best Diarist) and, if you just can't bear to vote for my blog, I might be coaxed from the ledge if you told me you were supporting my friends at Sadly, No! (Best Humor Blog).
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this blog and wonder if this nomination was some kind of horrible fluke, here are a few links from my blog from over the past year to give you an idea of what this blog is about. I'm sure after taking a look at some of these links you will agree that only someone who hates America would not want to vote for my blog:
- Google Searches
- Jon Swift's Complete Amazon Reviews
- 100,000 and Counting
- Save Britney's Marriage
- On Battlestar Galactica Heroic Cylons Battle Vicious Terrorists
- Science Is Dead
- It's Not You, Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey, It's Me
- A Conservative Message to Blacks: Sink or Swim
- Looking at the Bright Side of World War III
- Guantanamo: Kafkaesque, in a Good Way
- Ann Coulter Tackles the Menace of Widows and Grieving Mothers
- 50 More Conservative Rock Songs
- My Battle With CFS
- No Amnesty for Old People
- Let's Not Nuke Iran-Yet
- Jill Carroll vs. the Blogosphere
- Everyone Hates the Christians
- Who's Afraid of Global Warming?
- Politically Incorrect Guide to American History Amazon Review
- A Global Second Amendment
- Narnia Made Me a Born-Again Christian
- Canadians: The Other Illegal Immigrants
- Gay Mariage
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Jon Swift, Weblog Awards, Humor, Internet, Blogs
I was somewhat disappointed, Jon, to see you have not included Michelle Malkin's blog among your recommended links. I'm afraid I can't quote the link from memory, and my doctor won't let me visit it because he believes it makes me twitchy and homicidal. I just remember something about "the pen became an accordion", and then everything goes black. Sometimes red.
Anyway, you know Ms. Malkin has always supported you as she does all worshippers of George Bush - in fact, you might have had a chance to lure her away from her husband, if it weren't for powdered wigs like yours being somewhat dated and making it iffy for her wearing dark colours, which she looks best in.
On a similar note, I hear a rumour that John Bolton will be starting up a blog, now that he has a little more free time. Perhaps you could give him a little plug, get him started. It's important to remember who your friends are.
Congratulations John, and watch out for them terrorists!
Congratulation for a much deserved nomination.
You, sir, are a true patriot, and surely have my vote.
Congratulations - I heard about your blog from Robin Slick and have enjoyed poking around.
Congrats Jon, you "reasonable conservative." :-)
I can see that whoever nominated you as a "Humor Blog" must be almost as clueless as you are. I must admit, I thought at first that you were just being funny in a deadpan way, on your Amazon reviews for example, but now after reading the letters people wrote to you (in your 100,000 visitors link), I can see that some very intelligent people are trying to wake you up, but you persist in your blatant refusal to get it. You must be laughing into your hat, Mr. Swift, because if these people really think you're as clueless as you seem to be, then why are they wasting their expensive brainpower trying to enlighten you? I hope you're enjoying yourself, sir. At least that way, someone will think this is funny.
eatbees' profile sounds like me. so why is this person so disagreeable?
Clueless is as clueless does, my momma always said. I guess the people eatbees is talking about are not as intelligent as his/her initial assessment might suggest. I haven't seen anybody who I'd qualify as "bright" who was earnestly trying to make Jon "get it". I'm not saying there were no such efforts, just that their authors weren't all that.....umm...cerebral.
You're not even trying to be funny? That must be why I'm laughing my ass off. Damn, you're good...
Vous faites honneur à la langue anglaise. Great blog
so great a bolg man : hulk is so near
I added your modest blog to my blogroll.
I am surprised you haven't made some fun of the Bush-Hating Dixie Chicks yet. Please do!
My finger is purple after voting for you. Is that normal?
At least you are not in competition with some self-absorbed god forbid next generation dolt who puts up nude photos of herself in the shower...and is therefore winning in my category, damn it.
Robin Slick
(who will consider herself very lucky if she does not come in at #10 in the best diarist category)
Hey congrats - one of my blog buds has also been nominated - Steve Novak!!! All the best to you guy's!!! Your blog is very interesting!!!
My Dear Mr Swift,
I have per voted for your blog as to "help you over the hump". Being the good conservative you are I will be expecting payment in full per our "agreement". The 'software patch' you requested is on it's way and I hope it meets your specifications as to "fix that nasty glitch" of which we have corresponded. Best of luck to you in the final 72 hours of this difficult campaign.
Liberally Yours in Faith and Service to Our Country,
"Unfortunately, the sponsors of this award have decided to set an artificial timetable and deadline for voting, which I think sends the wrong message to the terrorists..."
Brilliant. Totally hilarious!
great blog :)
samiha esha :)
LOL! That's a funny video of Faith. Heheheh, Congratulations on your nomination. I've never been to your blog before but it looks interesting. :)
I lean toward being conservative, but had I known about your blog, I would have voted every day for it. It's exceptional. Soooo much better than Sadly, No! In fact, it would be nearly perfect (and get a ton of traffic) if you skewered both sides instead of limiting yourself to the idiocy on the conservative side. C'mon, and be famous...
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