Although I am a very private and modest blogger, I have finally acceded to public demand and consented to do a hard-hitting interview with Simon Owens of Bloggasm. Despite Mr. Owens' wily attempts to entrap me with trick questions, I believe I was able to avoid making any major gaffes, which already gives me a leg up on certain presidential candidates. You can read the interview here.
And while you are over there take a look at the interview he recently conducted with my friend skippy, my newfound ally in the campaign to make liberal blogrolls more liberal. Apparently, skippy coined the word blogtopia, which is something he really should publicize more because I think a lot of people don't know that.
For Bloggasm's interview of Jon Swift go here.
Jon Swift, Bloggasm, Blogosphere, Internet
Skeets Of The Day
23 minutes ago
Congratulations! I think that went very well. You didn't seem to embarass yourself at all.
Thanks for taking up this fight. I've been mulling around for a while now trying to decide how I felt about this so-called blog amnesty thingy.
I'm not blogrolled by many as it is so I don't think it affects me that much.
Personally I think there's some sort of Liberal Prose Blogads improved PR motivation going on. Kos and Atrios now have a ton more one-way links coming in. They are building a media empire of their own that is becoming well financed and profitable.
For a curmugeonly sort that was elegantly done. You are a gracious subject, which is somewhat mystifying considering your earlier (1600) encarnation.
Loved it!
Your ability to deftly answer embarrassing questions would make Hillary Clinton proud.
Great interview ~
And thank you for bringing light to the politics of blogrolling. I have adopted your policy and try to support my fellow bloggers with links and comments on their sites.
Honestly, I don't pay attention to the politics of it all because that will happen, regardless, in anything we do. Some of the traffic, links and ads on the big sites are deserved, some are not. I just try to write the best posts everyday for my readers, and let the rest take care of itself.
You certainly the deserve the accolades~
Thanks for showing that there are SOME reasonable conservatives left.
verified word: gbwnjwdo
Hey Jon..u forgot to give yer address and soc security number though?..maybe next
Happy Presidents Day!.:-)
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
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