As I recently predicted, in few months, with the benefit of hindsight, historians will look back on the Bush presidency as an unalloyed success and consider President Bush to be one of our greatest presidents. Although the White House has sent around its own talking points highlighting the President's accomplishments, I don't think they go far enough. So I have put together my own list of talking points, which should convince anyone why George W. Bush belongs on Mount Rushmore, along with Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and the other guy.
After Hurricane Katrina President Bush kept our cities safe.
In the three years and a half years since Hurricane Katrina not a single American city has been destroyed or partially destroyed. There are more than 10,000 cities in the United States and because of George Bush every single one of them, except for New Orleans, is still largely intact. Of course, no one could have predicted Hurricane Katrina, and if President Clinton had not left us so woefully unprepared, New Orleans would probably be in a lot better shape than it is now. But since Katrina, there have been numerous hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, blizzards, fires and earthquakes and none of them has gotten out of hand and wiped out an entire city because of the disaster preparedness policies President Bush put in place. For national security reasons we may not know until records are declassified how many other potential disasters, like epidemics or nuclear power plant meltdowns or alien invasions, were averted because of the work that government agencies did behind the scenes. Unfortunately, Presidents don't usually get credit for all the disasters that don't happen. But I think we should congratulate the President for doing a heckuva job on keeping America safe in the years since Katrina.
After the October 2008 stock market correction there have been no Great Depressions.
Although the excesses of the Clinton administration's failed economic policies finally caught up with us in October 2008, in the seven years before this economic downturn the economy was doing really well. Not every President can boast of seven years of prosperity. What's more, even since October there have been no Great Depressions, which means President Bush has given us eight completely depressionless years. Although some credit Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's swift and bold moves after the market tanked for staving off a depression, I think most economists will come to agree that it was Bush's 2001 tax cuts that really kept the economy afloat. Bush's prescient tax cuts lifted up the economy to such a level that any economic downfall just brought us back to where we were before instead plunging us into depression. Meanwhile, because of easy credit during the Bush years, more people had the opportunity to buy the homes of their dreams and live in them for a few years before they had to give them back. If Obama's economic policies do plunge us into a Great Depression, Americans will look back on the relative economic prosperity of the Bush years wistfully and have only themselves to blame.
After Iraq and Afghanistan took a turn for the worse, President Bush kept us from losing any wars.
Although some presidents can claim that they did not lose a war during their administrations, not many presidents can claim that they did not lose two wars. President Bush is leaving office with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan still going strong and not lost. In 2007 Iraq almost broke out into civil war because we did not have enough troops in there. Another President might have decided that the War in Iraq was lost and pulled American troops out of there. Not President Bush. By instituting the surge he prevented Iraq from breaking out into civil war and scoring a loss for the U.S. for the first time in our history. What is even more remarkable was that he was able to stave off defeat in Iraq and at the same time keep just enough troops in Afghanistan to prevent the Taliban from completely retaking the entire country. Quibblers might say that he didn't actually win either conflict outright or that Afghanistan would be in better shape if we had kept more troops there and not invaded Iraq or offer all sorts of other coulda shoulda woulda arguments but the fact is that we didn't lose any wars and Bush deserves credit for that.
After the District Attorney firing scandal, the outing of Valerie Plame and other scandals, President Bush restored integrity to government.
After a few overzealous Justice Department officials trying to restore balance to our justice system, which had been tainted by the partisanship of the Clinton years, went a little overboard in trying to clean house, President Bush immediately took action and patiently convinced those who were responsible to resign eventually. Since that time no district attorneys have been fired for political reasons. In 2003 when CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity was compromised, President Bush vowed to get to the bottom of it and eventually Scooter Libby was prosecuted and threatened with jail time until President Bush mercifully decided he had suffered enough and commuted his sentence. Everyone else who was involved was either persuaded to resign or given a very severe talking to. Because of President Bush's bold stand against compromising the identities of members of our intelligence community, for the last five years not a single undercover CIA agent has been outted. There were a number of other scandals, too numerous to mention here, that President Bush took strong and immediate measures to clean up, such as the level of care veterans were receiving at Walter Reed Hospital. As soon as President Bush found out about it, he fixed it and now veterans receive better care there than they have in years. But perhaps President Bush's most remarkable achievement when it comes to restoring honor and dignity to his office is something he didn't do. Many Americans were understandably disillusioned with government after President Clinton violated the sacred trust that had existed for more than 200 years between presidents and their interns. But in the entire eight years President Bush has been in office he did not have sex with a single intern that we know about, which is an extraordinary accomplishment considering how young and pretty and undoubtedly tempting some of those interns are. It is a testament to President Bush's discipline and character that he did not succumb to temptation and history will certainly remember him for that.
After divisive elections President Bush united our country.
When President Bush took office we were a nation starkly divided between blue states and red states, Vice President Al Gore's attempt to steal the election had left many Democrats bitter and unable to get over it and Washington was a city riven by the political partisanship fostered by Clinton's divisive leadership. But by the end of Bush's first year in office this country was united as it never had been before and the President had a 90% approval rating. Although Democrats continued to try to divide this country and exploit every issue for partisan gain, President Bush continued to rise above the fray and worked with Democrats like Sen. Ted Kennedy to pass No Child Left Behind and probably some other bills, too, though I can't think of any off the top of my head. He encouraged Democrats to join him in fighting terrorism although some continued to resist and preferred instead to coddle the terrorists. And yet President Bush was able to persuade the American people to elect him to office again over an elitist, French, latte-swilling, wind-surfing, traitorous, terrorist coddling, Iraq War-losing, Genghis Khan-mispronouncing, lesbian-outting, gay marriage-loving, Anti-American liberal. And when Democrats took over both houses of Congress in 2006, he even won them over to his side with his gentle powers of persuasion. In the end Democrats didn't have the heart to really oppose Bush on anything significant at all, going along with him on such issues as whether to end the war in Iraq and whether to allow the NSA to wiretap our phones. It was hard, apparently, for the Democratic leadership to resist President Bush's charms. And so Obama will take office with the country a lot less divided than it was when Bush came in and divisions between red and blue states much less stark than they once were. President Bush promised that he would be a uniter instead of a divider and if you look at the polls, which show Americans more united than they have been in many years, it is clear that President Bush kept his promise.
After Abu Ghraib, President Bush reaffirmed America's adherence to the Geneva Conventions and against torture.
After Abu Ghraib, some America haters used the photographs that soldiers stupidly took of harsh interrogations of prisoners as evidence in their propaganda that the Bush Administration did not care about upholding the Geneva Conventions. But President Bush took decisive action to prosecute the bad apples, mostly soldiers and low-level commanders, who were solely responsible for what went on there to show the world that we take the Geneva Conventions very seriously even though it is just a treaty and not technically binding especially when we are trying to fight an enemy that does not follow its rules. In the wake of 9/11 some presidents might have been tempted to ignore the Geneva Conventions completely and do whatever was necessary to protect us, but President Bush knew that we couldn't totally abandon all of our ideals in the War on Terror and so he followed the Geneva Conventions to the letter, applying its rules to every soldier who was not an enemy combatant outside the treaty's jurisdiction. And he strongly reaffirmed this nation's stance against torture, preferring instead to waterboard suspected terrorists instead of torturing them, and sending particularly difficult cases to countries where they unfortunately don't have our strong ideals. And even at Guantanamo, which technically is outside the jurisdiction of our laws, President Bush made sure that every prisoner was given due process even if it is understandably taking a while to decide what process they are due. During his entire term of office President Bush never wavered once in maintaining publicly that America does not torture. In fact, I think President Bush may have said, "We do not torture" more than any President in American history.
After 9/11 President Bush kept America safe from terrorist attacks on American soil.
Surely, President Bush's greatest accomplishment, and the one achievement he will most be remembered for in history, was that he kept America safe from terrorist attacks after 9/11. Seven years without a single terrorist attack on American soil is certainly a remarkable accomplishment. The fact that the Clinton Administration's foreign policy blunders left America vulnerable to the worst terrorist act in our nation's history will always be a black mark against President Clinton in the history books, while President Bush's quick and decisive action to correct those mistakes after 9/11 is what he will always be remembered for. And we will probably not know for many years until records are declassified how many shoe bombers and wannabe jihadists were stopped in their tracks. Unfortunately, seven years was just not enough time to capture those responsible for the attacks, but he certainly has Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda on the run. I'm sure Obama will try to take credit if he does capture Bin Laden, but no one can take away from President Bush the credit he is due for keeping America completely safe from terrorist attacks for seven years, eight if you don't count 9/11, which wasn't really his fault. Based on that accomplishment alone, can anyone doubt that George W. Bush was one of our greatest presidents?
Vote for Jon Swift here in the 2008 Weblog Awards.
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What’s a Little Wingnut Nepotism?
1 hour ago
Don't forget the great job Dubya did in keeping Saddam Hussein's massive stockpile of weapons of mass destruction from falling into terrorist hands.
And what about Americans terrorizing other Americans? No trucks of explosive fertilizer bombed day care centers during his reign. Whether this was because of all the wire-tapping or potential homegrown terrorists really not wanting to be water-boarded we will never know.
And the surveillance in public restrooms seemed especially comprehensive. Unfortunately, the same can not be claimed for people with guns going into classrooms and killing indiscriminately.
Reading that post I NEEDED a crash mat cos I was
I think the folks in Galveston would not agree that there were no cities destroyed lately.
From what I can tell, they may never recover.
Jon, you have lost your snap!
woohoo ..speaking of voting pple in..Gotta go vote for ya dude...I'm gettin slaughtered this year..but last year I actually won!..bwhahaha!..Keep the faith my friend!!
He can try to rewrite history, but we won't forget.
Some other accomplishments that Jon probably didn't have room to list:
1. The US prison population, despite budgetary restraints, keeps growing and helping our construction and job markets. And cheap labor is beneficial to all.
2. Bird flu has been conquered, along with smallpox and anthrax.
3. The environment continues to take a lickin' and keep on tickin'.
4. South Koreans love our beef.
5. Bernie Madoff only stole $50bn, that isn't so much in today's money.
Needless to say, I could go on.
I think that Bush needs his own mountain, maybe Half Dome in Yosemite. Rushmore is too cluttered.
You know, Dick's suggestion is a great idea. I think we ought to carve his figure on the mountains that span the San Diego-Tiajuana border for his tremendous accomplishment on building that darn fence between Mexico and the U.S.
And there's that little tapping on my phone thanks to FISA. What a great job he did destroying our Fourth Amendment rights. Whadda guy!
I am in the presence of greatness with two Weblog nominees here. In addition to Kathleen's great blog, I nominated you, Dean Swift, and cast my vote for your scintillating satire that delights all who stumble across the posts.
Except, of course, those lacking a sense of humor.
Best of luck to Kathleen, His Eminence The Dean, and Woman Honor Thyself. The nomination alone is quite an accomplishment.
I just wanted to add that the photo of President Bush in Jon's post would be an excellent model for his enshrinement. What character!
Great post, Jon. I'm having my own discussion of the Bush Legacy (not as funny as yours) on my own blog. I have a new post about the true legacy of the Iraq war.
James -The Hype
If you really want to get votes, follow Rumproast's lead. I think Kevin K. has a brilliant bi-partisan vote-getting tactic.
There is almost as much BS in this story as there is in an article I came across the other day titled "Thank you, President Bush."
Too funny and easily rebuffable. Keep trying to save the most corrupted, never-elected president this country as ever had the displeasure of being stuck with. LOL. Good luck getting ignorant fools to believe this crock of crap!
Good luck getting ignorant fools to believe this crock of crap!
Mission Accomplished!
He did a great job making sure that every New Orleans resident could use their house or car as a floatation device.
A little something I threw together.
You capture his legacy exactly - the "gimme a Mulligan" president....
Bush has indeed united Americans, although perhaps not in the manner that he intended. A fitting tribute might be an enormous pile of shoes, each tossed by members of the united citizenry. In the ideal case, Bush himself would be in the center of the pile. The event could even restore the country's shoe manufacturing base.
Uh, not to be picky, but you left Hollywood and limousine out of the John Kerry description. It should read:
"elitist, French, Hollywood, limousine, latte-swilling, wind-surfing, traitorous, terrorist coddling, Iraq War-losing, Genghis Khan-mispronouncing, lesbian-outting, gay marriage-loving, Anti-American liberal"
After placing last, in part due to my offering endorsement to Attack of the Redneck Mommy as Best Canadian Blog, I declare myself the Greatest Canadian bloggers. If only there was a Mount Rushmore of bloggers...
Jon, bless me, for I voted for you. ;)
Another fab post.
That was HILARIOUS!!!! By far some of your best work, O Satirist!!!
I salute you, master.
I pulled the lever for you again Jon! Great post like usual!
I did NOT go as far as pulling my lever for you Jon, but I DID tell a VERY influential friend of mine about your blog.
Is this a joke? If so, it's pretty clever. If not, it's got to be the scariest piece of crap that's been dumped on the internet.
No terrorist attacks on US soil after 9/11? Ummm, you seem to have forgotten the anthrax attacks (as has the M$M, and even Keith Olbermann).
No US city devastated by hurricanes other than New Orleans? I'm not a merkin, so maybe Galveston is a town. Or a village. Or maybe even a hamlet.
Other than those minor quibbles, a great post. :)
Also, for the entire 8 years that Bush has been president, not once did I get a yeast infection.
Alia Aenor
Our Dear Leader couldn't have written it better himself!
What a joy it was to have him as our leader!
Hey ya’ll! G.W. is like J.C. himself. He's kept us safe and daspite losin our home and business', we are all still safe in the good ole U.S. of A!!! Hell yea! All dem dare terroristes shuld stay in Guatamala Bay and rightfully so!!! Let me tell you, I am reddy to fight fur are country once my wife stops havin baby’s! If I dident hav such a hi IQ, they wulduv sent me to war in the trenchas. I aint shure if Obama culd do as good as Bush.
After SCHIP finally passes, just before Dubya leaves (he vetoed it twice before) our most vulnerable children will no longer be defenseless against medical emergencies.
Great post. Quoted and duly cited on my blog.
Jim H.
P.S. Loved that travelogue you did about the giants and talking horses and such.
Good day,
this is a risky proposition!
Bush is one of the greatest presidents of all time???
I'm very cautious with such statements, because there are many points that are against such a claim to speak!
I want no one to criticize because of his opinions, but Michael Moore makes the point, how great Bush was really like!
Obama will get- in any case- in the Hall of Fame, created the first black president!
A revolution for the world...
Sir Swift!
I am with you!
Christopher HItchens opened my eyes!
I'm a bit late with the adulation compared to these other Swift conservatives. But that's because your site takes so long to load! It must be something to do with the many profitable ads you have, compared to other, less award-competey blogs. But I must say, this was one of the most Swiftologic bits of your writing that I have read. And in this thumbnail review, I am ranking it higher than the many posts I did not read, too. Bravo!
nice list.
i think the verdict is still out on how bush will be perceived.
i think that it will take a lot for some of those who have so freely criticized him to change there minds...especially publicly.
who knows how bush will be betrayed 30 years from now in history books...i wonder that a lot...i feel like a lot depends on what happens in the next 10 years.
Damn straight! He kept us safe until September 10, and from September 12 on! Pretty much.
I voted for the Comics Curmudgeon the first time, because I post there regularly, but when I saw that Josh had a comfortable lead, I proceeded to vote for you each time thereafter. For some reason, though, you were listed with the humor blogs, which must have cost you some votes. You should have been listed among the reasonable conservative blogs.
If fox news, Rush Limbaugh and the other idiot you mentioned are not the media what are they? This is my first time on your site so I don't know yet if you're being sarcastic or if you're a moron.
Mr john Swift,
I recommend a remedial course in English As a Second Language, I see an obvious flaw in your ability to comprehend your OWN thoughts. I will cite you two examples.
1) Rush Limbag is NOT considered a moderate, in fact he is just this side of atila the hun.
2) George W Bush one of our greatest President's, you either have a very , very , very dry sense of humor, OR else YOU TRULY ARE MAD.
I agree. He will be vindicated. Especially when compared with his contemporaries (Bill Clinton & Barrack Obama)
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That's great WomanHonorThyself. It's good for you.
Go forward Jon. We just go with you positively.
Well, for me Bush is really great. I salute him!
Me too, I do trust Bush in terms of economy. He is a good leader too.
the biggest shit in the history of usa
Wow, is this for real? If it is, it's funny to think anyone would post something about how he did a good job.
Thanks so much for your post, really effective data.
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I think the best Bush legacy is that he cannot leave the country. We may not have wanted to prosecute him for war crimes, but French and Spain have no
such qualms. Go ahead, Laura, plan some big anniversary trip abroad.
By the way, that post must have been hard to finish, since I assume you were either laughing the whole way through, or stoned!
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تلميع الرخام
شركة تنظيف موكيت بالرياض – غسيل مجالس – شركة تنظيف اثاث – شركات غسيل الموكيت – تنظيف الموكيت – غسيل المجالس
نظافة وتجفيف فوري ( سجاد موكيت وكنب وستائر, )
نظافة شقق وفلل وقصور ومساجد,
جلي وتلميع رخام وأرضيات سيراميك
تنظيف وغسيل وعزل وأصلاح خزانات
تلميع واجهات زجاجية
تنظيف فلل بالرياض - تنظيف شقق – تنظيف منازل – تنظيف بيوت
تنظيف خزانات – تنظيف – موكيت – شركة تنظيف مجالس بالرياض – غسيل موكيت - شركات تنظيف بالرياض - شركات نظافة بالرياض – شركات غسيل مجالس
شركة تنظيف بالرياض – شركة تنظيف منازل بالرياض- شركة نظافة فلل- شركة غسيل موكيت – شركة غسيل مجالس – شركة تنظيف موكيت – شركة تنظيف اثاث
- نظافة فلل- نظافة منازل – شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض – نظافة مجالس- نظافة شقق- نظافة بيوت – نظافة منازل
نظافةعامة – تنظيف وجهات زجاج – تنظيف مكاتب – تنظيف شركات – نظافة عامة للمكاتب- شركة تنظيف خزانات – تعقيم خزانات – تنظيف قصور – شركات التنظيف بالرياض – شركات النظافة بالرياض شركة تنظيف مساجد بالرياض
ان شركة قمة الدقة للتنظيف شركة رائدة فى جميع انواع النظافة العامة. والنظافة الان من الامور المهمة والاساسية فى حياة كل شخص ى شركة من اهم شركات التنظيف بالمنطقة وذلك لكونها تمتلك احدث المعدات الخاصة بالتنظيف وتتميز كذلك شركة تنظيف بالجبيل تسعي الي تقديم خدمات تنظيف متميزة لدي عملاء الجبيل باسعار مناسبه وتخفيضات رائعه.
افضل شركة تنظيف بالجبيل ونقدم خدمات النظافة بالمنطقة الشرقية وخاصة الجبيل ,ولدينا امكانيات وخبرة 20 عاما في مجال التنظيف شركة تنظيف منازل بالجبيلتقدم خدمات تنظيف عالي الزوق والرقة والدقة والخفة وعمالة مرموقة فلبنية عالية افضل شركة تنظيف بالجبيل و الجبيل الصناعية تقدم كافة خدمات التنظيف للمنازل والشركات والقصور
شركة تنظيف بالجبيل هى شركة من أهم شركات التنظيف بالمنطقة وذلك لكونها تمتلك أحدث المعدات الخاصة بالتنظيف وتتميز كذلك شركة تنظيف فلل بالجبيل
لا احد ينكر ان عمليات التنظيف للمنازل والشقق والفلل والمسابح وغيرها من الاماكن الاخرى يحتاج لمجهود كبير للغايه لذلك نقدم لك عزيزى العميل هل تبحث عميلنا العزيز عن طرق مميزة لتنظيف منزلك ؟ اليك الان شركة تنظيف شقق بالجبيل وهى مجموعة مميزة من الشركات المميزة التى توفر افضل خدمات التنظيف زيزى العميل تعددت شركات التنظيف بمدينة الجبيل ولكن من بين هولاء الشركات لا يمكنك الا ان
شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض
المسابح و الذهاب اليها فى فصل الصيف من الامور المهمة للغاية
و هذا لان المسابح تعتبر نسبة من الرفاهية التى يلجا اليها الافراد فى فصل الصيف
لهذا عليك عميلنا العزيز ان تعلم اننا نتبع الرفاهية الموجودة
و لكى تتخلص عميلنا من اى اضرار تكون موجودة فى مياه المسابح عليك الاتصال بنا
و التواصل مع شركتنا و نحن سوف نقوم باللازم و اكثر
من اجل حصولك على افضل رفاهية متواجدة فى المسابح
شركة المثالية للتنظيف بالاحساء
التنظيف من الامور الصعبة و التى تشكل عبء غير طبيعى على ربة المنزل
و لهذا عليك عميلنا التواصل معانا و مع شركتنا
من اجل حصولك على افضل الخدمات المتوفرة لدينا
كما ان لدينا افضل المواد المطهرة و المعطرة من اجل حصولك على نظافة لا مثيل لها
و اننا نعمل على المحافظة على صحتك عميلنا العزيز
عفليك ان تعلم ان النظافة من الامور التى تساعد صحتك ان تكون سليمة اكبر وقت ممكن
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالجبيل
مدى خطورة الحشرات ان تتواجد فى منزلك
لابد ان تعلم اننا على علم و دراية بهذا كلة عميلنا العزيز و اننا نستطيع القضاء
على جميع انواع الحشرات المتواجدة فى منزلك
كما اننا نمتلك افضل المبيدات الحشرية المستوردة
التى تكون مجربة من قبل و تكون فائقة الجودة
و ذات فاعلية اكبر من اجل التخلص من اى حشرات موجودة فى منزلك
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالجبيل
مدى خطورة الحشرات ان تتواجد فى منزلك
لابد ان تعلم اننا على علم و دراية بهذا كلة عميلنا العزيز و اننا نستطيع القضاء
على جميع انواع الحشرات المتواجدة فى منزلك
كما اننا نمتلك افضل المبيدات الحشرية المستوردة
التى تكون مجربة من قبل و تكون فائقة الجودة
و ذات فاعلية اكبر من اجل التخلص من اى حشرات موجودة فى منزلك
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بخميس مشيط
شركة نقل اثاث بابها
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بابها
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أفضل شركة عزل أسطح بالقطيف
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
terima kasih ya
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
Nino Nurmadi, S.Kom
شركة تنظيف شقق بالدمام
شركة تنظيف فلل بالدمام
شركة تنظيف منازل بالدمام
تتمتع الشركة بمستوى خدمة راقي و له تألق و صورة رائعة لا مثيل لها .تقدر الشركة عملائها و تحترمهم الي ابعد الحدود و تعطيهم كل الصلاحيات المتاحة في الشركة لخدمتهم لدي شركة سما الخليج كل الأجهزة و الامكانيات و الأدوات و كل اللازم لجعل منزل العميل
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شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
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شركة تنظيف واجهات زجاج بالرياض
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