This weekend illegal immigrants staged large protests in Los Angeles, Denver, Phoenix and other American cities against laws proposed in Congress that would end illegal immigration once and for all. I don't know about you but I found the images of 500,000 people protesting in L.A. quite frightening. I'm not sure where these people got the idea that we allow this sort of thing in America. As anyone who remembers the massive protests against the Iraq War knows, large demonstrations are usually staged by people with dangerous anti-American ideas. During the Vietnam War protests like these nearly destroyed our country and made it very difficult for us to start other wars until recently. The images of great numbers of people disagreeing with the government give aid and comfort to our enemies. Real Americans, as these immigrants would know if they had made any attempts to assimilate, stay home and write to their congressman or yell things at the TV.
Adding to the anti-American tenor of the demonstrations were the large numbers of flags from foreign countries that were displayed during the protests. Hardly anyone carried American flags. Some people have pointed out that Italians often display Italian flags on Columbus day and Irish people often display Irish flags on St. Patrick's day, but there is a big difference. These days have been specifically set aside for such displays. On the other 364 days of the year these flags are tucked away in closets and stuffed in drawers where no one will ever see them.
I was also disturbed by the fact that some of the signs these protesters were carrying were not in English. These signs could have carried anti-American or obscene messages and no one would ever know. They could even have borne secret coded messages to terrorists. At the very least these signs were confusing to police who did not know who to arrest. I'm sorry but I don't know what such strange foreign words as "Tancredo" and "Sensenbrenner" mean and for all I know they could be foreign curse words that should not be displayed on television or in family newspapers. If these protesters knew anything about America they would know that most Americans are opposed to foreign languages.
Finally, I would like to know who gave these people a day off from work? Who was tending the gardens, bussing tables at restaurants, taking care of children and cleaning houses while these people were gallivanting around some of our major cities frightening Americans who were trying to enjoy their day off? Americans are hard-working people and we don't take this kind of sloughing off lightly.
I think these protests are just going to start a backlash. People who are usually very sympathetic to the plight of immigrants such as Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds, Mickey Kaus and Lou Dobbs were so upset by the images they saw of angry, ungrateful immigrants that they have turned against them. "We are not a 'nation of immigrants,'" says Malkin, whose ancestors, I believe, crossed the land-bridge from Asia in the Paleolithic era, which would not technically be immigration because this was before the U.S. existed (Note: I need to check this). She goes on to point out that the Founding Fathers were opposed to immigration (except, of course, for immigration from Africa).
I should point out that attitudes against immigration were later relaxed when we needed people to build the railroads and work in factories but now that our economy is completely self-sufficient, we don't need immigrants anymore. And these immigrants from the past were law-abiding citizens, while illegal immigrants now are by definition criminals. People who break one law will no doubt break others. In America only the President has the right to break the law.
These protests have just served to remind us of what a big problem illegal immigration is. In addition to bills in Congress, there are many other reasonable proposals to accomplish this goal put forward by myself and others. If these immigrants want to stage another anti-American protest they should go back to their own countries. They will have plenty of opportunities to join anti-American demonstrations virtually anywhere in the world.
Jon Swift, Illegal Immigration, Los Angeles, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds, Mickey Kaus, Lou Dobbs, War in Iraq, Politics, Coalition Against Illegal Immigration, Lettuce Talk About Immigration, Pirate's Cove America Shutdown?, Forward Biased Monday Open Post, Third World County Guard the Borders Open Post
Wednesday Morning Links
44 minutes ago
Jim Sensenbrenner
Tom Tancredo
When I am feeling especially unAmerican and hating the freedoms I so try not to enjoy I also yell at the TV!
It's so effective! These immigrants will learn that soon enough -- as will the Iraqis and Afghanis? Afghans? Afghanistanians?
I've been pondering this, modest friend. We really need to put some further thought into the plight of our young people whose jobs are being taken away.
I propose that if the French students insist on striking, we send all our unemployed but desperate-to-work young over there for a while to take those jobs.
do you have ANY sympathy? or you're just a callous conversative....
Call me callous too, but for God sake...they arrest Americans protesting an ILLEGAL war, but it is OK for ILLEGAL immigrants to protest their rights in MY country? NO, no ,no.
They are protesting in the wrong country. The cops should have had the buses ready to take them back to Mexico. Katrina victims (Americans) and our soldiers need care. Charity begins at home--so illegals, please go there and make it better.
Maybe you should turn off your fuex news and pick up the Bill of Rights. Under the first amendment you would read "Congress shall make no law respecting...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble..." This to me would show protesting to be far more patriotic then shutting up and doing what you are told.
And I'm shocked as to how you saw almost no american flags, yet the picture you posted was 76% red white and blue: 13 American, 4 Mexican. Ignorance or stupidity?
As to protests making it hard to start wars...good. If you've got a problem with that, maybe you'd like to go and fight those wars.
call me slow...didn't realize it was satire till i poked around. my bad. deletion is an option. laughter is a better option.
Thank you for existing. You and the Colbert Report keep me laughing in tough times.
Cute post!
Say, did you know that most of those protesters are citizens of other countries?
In other words, foreign citizens who entered illegally or who are staying here illegally are marching in our streets, waving their countries' flags and demanding rights to which they aren't entitled.
In at least two of the marches the Mexican government may have been involved. If that's the case, a foreign government is agitating their citizens in our country.
Perhaps mainstream liberals should distance themselves from those with the views expressed in the post.
Customs and Border Patrol should be grateful to the illegal protesters for making their job a lot easier. All those illegal immigrants in one place? No running around in the dead of night in the desert trying to catch two or three at a time when they can just show up with a fleet of double decker buses and deport them all in one fell swoop. Their protest is a slap in the face for any immigrants legally applying to get into the country and those who have already gone through the paperwork, medical examinations and waiting time.
11 million 'illegal' people...if we but deported just half of those look at how many full blooded, natural borne americans (some whose bloodline dates all the way back to the war for independance) we'll be helping get a job. maybe our minimum wage (which is extremely low for the super power of the world) might even go up. ILLEGAL immigrants have no rights to demonstrate, in fact technically they have no rights here period!!! they are ILLEGALLY in this country.... maybe someone should break down the words ILLEGAL & ALIEN for these river swimmers so they understand.
I'd just like to add that those protesting were not all illegal immigrants you ignorant fuck. secondly, they come here illegally in order to survive but we make it so diffucult to do legally (a 15 year process is like a kick in the balls to someone who is the biggest contributer to our economy and loyal to us). Who are we to impede the growth and rights of this country? America has always been open to immigrants, you selfish and snobby conservatives need to pull that stick out of your asses
FUCK YOU! if you have so much pride for yor county...fuckin go back to it you stupid shit
Whats so wrong with mexico anyways? i mean americans like it alot.... Cabo, Cancun, yea thats all i got but anyways.... if they like america there's some american culture right there.
you know what tho, i think you should be a reporter on the daily show, i think they would respect your views quite a bit there.
Oh and by the way if they are illegal immigrants they aren't subject to the american laws, so don't be retarted (not you swift your too funny)
yea i know right
stupid illegal immigrants!!
they should go back across the atlantic ocean and go back home.
fucking wetbacks.
they think they can just come and kill all the natives of this continent and believe is there land.
go back home
I am a Liberal but when it comes to illigals I agree with Mr.O' Reilly. It is not fair that they come in our country riuning it with their oddly coloured Taco Stands Crime Waves and Race Supereoity. While My Family From Civilized England Worked their asses off to get to south texas. Guess What We Hate. We thought that we would meet people like us. Instead we met illeterate bastards and houses of ill-repute. Good God What is this World Coming To.
Sincerly Henry Nelson of Shropshire.
man... fuck all ya'll haterz. mexican'z are number one!... we came here to work... and if you look closely.. we don't cause problems... so stop calling us criminals. ya'll need to shut the fuck up cuz ya'll bitchez don't even kno what the hell ya'll saying... if we come to protest in this country... it's because we've made a change... imagine a day without immigrants... we take the jobs lazy americans won't take... cu if ya'll don't take those jobs... then who will???... yea that's wat i thought... n even tho we take those low jobs... we don't get paid enough... now you tell me it's not right for us to protest in this country... lil fuckaz!!!
I don't think all illegal immigrants are criminals..but the ones that really want to do the right thing are not criminals, so if you are here illegal isn't that against the law and isn't that criminal action, no one wants to call any one a criminal but you are breaking our laws in America, and if you want to become a American ..go get legal..don't sneak tells me that you don't care about America..there are people that have been waiting and doing it the legal way are hurting them ..if you don't care about our laws why should we trust you to not be a need to think about what you are doing are not a credible person breaking the law on know you have ..what makes you think I want to support you with my taxes while you send money to your family to live better ,..I wish your Country cared about you..they don't you have a shity Country..why not fight for your home Country..why do you hate it so much that you have to leave it like a coward..we fought for our freedom in America that is why everyone wants to live here they are cowards and do not want to fight for their Country..that tells me you will not fight for America.there are some immigrants that have died for our Country and I am proud to say they are Americans.
Don't call me a lazy American..I am sick of you sneaky shit heads coming over here and taking our did not earn the right to be here..I am not a hateful person but you need to shut the hell up about MY are making Americans angry because you are a come here and get welfare free medical and my grandchildren have to get help to just go to the doctor and fight to get it..the ONLY reason you are still here is the politicians and resources in your Country..when you get sent back your Country will crash and we will take it .my ancestors came here through ellis island and had to learn to speak English to I said the only reason you are here is politics..and if you want to stay come back the legal way are you will have a fight on your hands from Americans..these are our laws and our Country and we paid for it and worked hard for it and you can kiss my ass you have pissed me off ..if you don't fucking like it GO FUCKING HOME.I CAN'T BELIVE THAT THE GOVERMENT LETS PEOPLE LIKE YOU TRASH OUR CONSTITUTION.AND YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHERE YOU ARE AND HOW TOUGH AMERICANS CAN BE WHEN PISSED OFF.
I am sick and tired of these mexicans taking over our land and turning them into endless ghettos. I live in Fontana which used to be a nice neighborhood before they moved in. They turned this neighborhood into a horrible place to live, and there are gang shootings everyday. I think we should deport them, and their legal children. My neighbor, who is Korean, has to deal with these mexicans everyday. Mexicans are more racist than us, they constantly call blacks the n word, and are most racist towards asians. I think that if they cannot live here and be upstanding citizens, we should deport their asses.
I have enormous concerns about illegal immigration. I see it as one of the great causes of my generation. It is right up there with terrorism. If we fail to act. If we fail to prevent the Third World from flooding into our grat land we will be culturally destroyed. The United States of America became the great nation that it is because it was founded by WESTERN MAN. Each time we allow someone to come to our shores who is not WESTERN, we shake the very foundation that is who we are. Islam does not have the capacity to write an American Constitution, yet some think a Muslim can come to America and our nation will be no different. It will be different. With each non western body on our land it becomes more and more different. If we do not act to stem this illegal immigration from every corner of the globe, we will perish. Our culture will be destroyed if we allow this nation to grow by another 100 million non western people over the next 50 years.
I enjoyed reading your post and I am glad to see that there are still people out there willing to say what needs to be said!! There are schools out here in Oakbrook IL that now have removed any holiday celebration due to the high number of middle east people that attend the school, but on the back end these children from the middle east are being allowed to pray in school during "Their" holiday???? Ok wait a minute... how the heck does that make sense??
Look I see it this way.. when you decide to move to another country and become a citizen then you must embrace everything about it. Not come over here and try to change it to what they just left behind?? If they like their way of living so much why don't they just stay in the country they are in?? Don't come here and jam your ideas and way of life down our throats and expect us to welcome you with open arms. Conform or leave it is that simple. And we as a country need to stop entertaining these people by trying accomidate everyones request!! This is America, if you don't like our way of life don't come here. Stay in your own country and let us concentrate on helping all the taxpayers that have been keeping this country alive with they blood sweat and tears!! Our Goverment continues to throw away everything that every solider has fought for and is expected to fight for. We continue to throw our boys to the wolves as our Goverment just keeps turning the other cheek!! Please don't be so politicaly correct all the time.. just do the right Darn thing for a change!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on Posting
Ok so there are NO NATIVES in this country!!!!!! "AMERICANS" were immigrants who killed off the original natives and took over then made it illegal for anyone else to come in, but hey when they need a job done, THEN they want to bring immigrants in like they did with the Africans and then treated them as slaves, sort of like now but with Mexicans. So maybe Mexicans should kill off all the Americans ('original' Americans are dissapearing anyway) and take over and then they would become the natives, lol.
I have been in the US for 10 years and don't pay taxes since I am here illegally and plan to stay that way.
American is great, I am supported along with my 10 children for free.
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
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