Although some in the liberal media claim that recent reports of Rep. Mark Foley's overeager mentoring of male Congressional pages will be damaging to Republicans in the November elections, I think this incident demonstrates why turning Congress over to the Democrats would be such a disaster for our country. Once people know the truth about this scandal, I think it will actually hurt Democrats more.
Perhaps the most important issue people will be voting on this year is national security. Before the Democrats leaked this story, Republican leaders Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader John Boehner and Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee Tom Reynolds were able to keep it a secret for months, not even trusting Rep. Dale Kildee the Democrat member of the board supervising the page program, although they did let the Republican chairman Rep. John Shimkus in on the news. (It's also possible that, as Powerlines's John Hinderaker claims, the Republican leaders were too busy defending America from terrorists to remember to mention it to Rep. Kildee.) Democrats and the liberal media, on the other hand, just can't seem to keep a secret, spilling the beans on the National Intelligence Estimate report that said Iraq was actually making the War on Terror worse and leaking information about NSA wiretapping, secret prisons, the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib and many other stories that Republicans tried so hard to keep from the public so as not to give aid and comfort to our enemies. The revelation about Rep. Foley is just another example of Democrats' being unable to keep their mouths shut. Who would you trust with our most important national security secrets: gossipy, loose-lipped Democrats or Republicans who have already demonstrated their ability to keep information that might be helpful to opponents completely hidden for months?
The Democrats seem to have no regard for Americans' privacy. They seemed to think it was OK to release Rep. Foley's private email and instant message communications to the media, which Republicans had endeavored to keep discreet. Are any of our private communications safe from the prying eyes of Democrats? After it was revealed that the NSA was wiretapping the communications of thousands of Americans (which we probably wouldn't even know about if Democrats were able to keep silent), Americans could at least feel safe in the knowledge that their private telephone calls and emails were safe in the hands of Republicans as long as it didn't seem like they were doing anything wrong. Once the wiretapping legislation is passed, giving the government even more license to spy on Americans, how could anyone feel secure knowing that the Democrats would have access to that information if they win control of Congress?
Democrats also proudly claim to be the party of homosexuals. But how could homosexuals support the "gay-hating Democrats," as Gay Patriot calls them, when their most sacred right--the right to stay in the closet and pretend that they aren't homosexual and resent any implication to the contrary--was violated so cavalierly by those who claim to support gay rights? If Democrats get in power, no closeted homosexual is safe from being outted and having their personal lives subject to gossip that is "revolting and unforgivable," as Foley characterized rumors of his own sexuality. You would think that homosexuals would be very angry at the Democrats' homophobia and hypocrisy on gay rights. Matt Drudge, who has been a tireless defender of the rights of homosexuals to stay in the closet, believes that Rep. Foley was set up and that he is the real victim here. There was a time when the media would not even be allowed to talk about a scandal like this, but unfortunately efforts by some gays to come out and to out others is just another example of what James Dobson of Focus on the Family calls "society's oversexualization," which, of course, can be blamed on Bill Clinton.
I think this incident also demonstrates how Democrats only care about their own particular agendas instead of what's best for normal Americans. For example, black Democrats all support affirmative action and quotas based on race, while black Republicans are usually opposed to affirmative action and quotas. They almost always vote against legislation that would help African-Americans, believing that it's best to vote for legislation that would help the majority of Americans instead of their own narrow interest group. Mark Foley, it now turns out was equally selfless. Although Rep. Foley was apparently homosexual, he did not let that affect the way he voted. Instead of selfishly voting for legislation that would help homosexuals like himself, he voted the opposite way, voting against gay marriage and for the Defense of Marriage Act. In fact, he was one of the authors of "The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006," the law under which the FBI is now apparently investigating him. While actually having sex with a 16-year-old is perfectly legal in Washington, DC, and other states, sending sexually explicit messages to 16-year-olds is now illegal under this Federal law. What he did wasn't even a crime until he helped make it one. If there is a better example of selflessness, I can't think of one.
The Democrats seem to have no loyalty to anything except to their own partisan agenda. The Republicans, however, value loyalty above anything else, even their own best interests. President Bush steadfastly refuses to fire Donald Rumsfeld because of his personal loyalty toward him despite the fact that his own chief of staff and others in his administration have advised him to cut the Secretary of Defense loose. On the other hand, when Secretary of State Colin Powell demonstrated his disloyalty by disagreeing with the President, President Bush fired him without a second thought even though Powell was planning to resign a few months later. For years, Republicans stood behind Rep. Tom Delay and resisted attempts to investigate him, standing strong in the face of a partisan witch hunt. And the Republican leadership all stood as one in protecting Rep. Foley. Once Rep. Foley realized that attacks against him might prove distracting to voters, he immediately resigned out of loyalty to the party. At a time when America is beset by enemies from within and without I think this kind of loyalty is exactly what this country needs.
Of course, there should be a full investigation of this matter just as soon as the election is over so that partisanship and Democrat dirty tricks will not get in the way of finding out what the facts are. But from what we do know already, this whole incident is another black mark on the record of Democrats and it should make voters think twice before giving them control of Congress.
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Jon Swift, Mark Foley, Democrat, Republican, Hastert, Boehner, Congress, Politics, War on Terror, Gay, Homosexuality, Internet, Beltway Traffic Jam
Skeets Of The Day
29 minutes ago
What r u wearing rite now? I have tank top and shorts cuz I just ran.
Right on, Jon. As I covered at my own website, I think this shows the necessity of the NSA program because any measure that helps keep Republicans informed is good for America. Bob Woodward has shown that tragedy followed when George Tenet failed to inform SoS Condi Rice that Al Qaida was going to attack the US, and if Speaker Hastert had been informed sooner, he would have surely taken action against ex-Rep. Foley. Take note, America: reveal everything to your Republican leaders or perverts will ask your sons to measure their penises.
Diebold Demographics indicate 200% of gays will vote Democratic this fall. Oy. The humanity.
Not to worry, Jon. These minor problems can be overcome by either enacting a new tax-cut, or by bombing Iran.
As a social worker who works every day to protect children from people like Foley I am disgusted that people like you would use this event to justify your political party. Foley was wrong and what he did was child molestation. Anyone who kept it quiet or ignored the signs is just as culpable as he is. Let's not forget that this is about children, not about politics.
Your arguments are excellent, Mr. Swift.
I would also like to agree with those (like Drudge) who point out that these teen hunks ("beasts", as Matt calls them) are NOT innocent children. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and the effect they have on the poor middleaged congressperson.
I'm not so sure that this issue will really hurt Republicans five weeks from now. All they need to do is issue an Orange Alert before the election. Then, the same Soccer Moms who are now scared that Rep. Foley and other gay Republicans want to molest their children, will be "afeared" about another terrorist attack and be Roved into voting for the party that looks askance at ephebophiles.
@ Anon -
You probably should look up the meaning of 'sarcasm' and 'satire' and then re-read the post.
@ Jon-
As you can see, you have taken satire to such a level of refinement that its apparently becoming impossible to perceive it!! I guess there couldn't be a better validation of your abilities? :-)
Could you help me out? You see, I have a Seeing Eye Cat, but the state refuses to certify her. They say that because she is a leopard, she is dangerous!
Can you imagine?! I've told them that it is her leopardness which makes her such a great Seeing Eye Cat -- people on the street are so frightened by the sight of a leopard in a harness that they instantly get out of our way. And if they don't - say because they are frozen in shock - all it takes is one swipe of those claws and they are taken care of.
Anyway, I'm in Massachusetts, so I sure hope you practice in Massachusetts. Can you help me out, please?
Fifi and I would be most grateful!
I used to have a seeing-eye shark, for most of the same reasons. However, I've found that it is reticent to lead the way, for some damned reason, and I have to basically drag it along behind me to get it to go anywhere. And now it is really starting to smell bad. One good thing: it doesn't eat as much as I thought it would.
You idiot. Brian Ross of ABC said it was a Republican source who leaked Foley's IMs and emails.
Foley: GOP leaker at the source
Plame: GOP leaker at the source
But you say it's the Dems who are slip-shod with privacy. Uh huh.
anonymous II,
My roof leaks, too, but I'm pretty sure it isn't a Republican. However, it is hard to tell since it hasn't voted in any recent elections.
sweet genius
You are a fucking asshole. (I know I am saying this at the risk of sounding immature, but I really thought long and hard about how to express my emotions after reading this, and it best best captured my thoughts.)
How do you live with yourself??
You really ought to try a leopard - or any big cat, really. You just have to start with them when they are kittens, otherwise, ya know, they'll hurt you.
The shark idea is one of those things that sounds good on paper, but just never really works out, ya know? For example, sharks need to live in ocean water and I'm pretty sure you'd have trouble out in the ocean. Ya know, being blind and needing to breath air and all!
Oh, and anonymous III,
Jon Swift writes satire. This might give you a much-needed clue. But if not, can you help me get my Seeing Eye Cat certified in Massachusetts? Or, could you help me with my leaking roof?
Please? Pretty please?!
Jon, I stumbles across your blog pretty much by accident, but I haven't been this entertained by blog posts for ages!
And you know the funniest bits? When certaing "Anonymous" posters excoriate you for your professed views. MOst of them are presumably leftists, proving that humorless idiocy is not the preserve the right wing alone. :)
I found this little tidbit of misinformation while I was looking for a screen shot of Republican Congressman Foley labeled as a Florida Democrat by your "oh-so-impartial" Fox news...
I just want to thank you for the resounding laughter that was enjoyed by myself and my freinds at work as we read this little political blog.
You see, I find stupid people incredibly funny because you just can't reason with them or show them thier own idiocy. Fact doesn't matter to them, only belief and what you believe is not only wrong, but tragically humorous.
Thanks again... I'll check in later to see if you've smartened up.
You've gotta be kidding me....You say "The Democrats seem to have no regard for Americans' privacy. They seemed to think it was OK to release Rep. Foley's private email and instant message communications to the media, which Republicans had endeavored to keep discreet." The Republicans have only themselves to thank for this mess. After all, it was Republicans' disregard for privacy when they came after Bill Clinton for having a consensual relationship with Monica L. Lest we forget, Mark Foley's VICTIMS were underage. No matter how you spin it, Foley is a dirty man and anyone who defends him (Hastert on down) is just sick.
Is this one of those Stephen Colbert type deals?
Ya think?!
Jon, I admire your control of tone. You make it all sound so reasonable. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face.
Are you going to respond to Anonymous? I think I know him. ;)
Oh indeed the dems are up to their eyeballs, but you have so missed the point. they all have let us down, all of them. as barney frank stated, the entire congress knew about this for years. The reality is this is common, and they are just a "boys club". But you, with your story wish to look away from the truth. You think your beloved right is squeaky clean and is on your side. Myopic at best good sir, spin at worst. the entire system is corrupt and serves only the extreme left and right socially and on money issues bows to the people who finance the elcetions. it is as obvious as your nose on your face, but you would prefer to continue the "us vs them" mentality that only enables those in power. it is indeed us vs them, but the us is the divided people and the them is our government. There is no way to defend foley's behavior (but you have tried) anfd there is no way to defend congress's behavior either. I would love to think that you will wake up and see the truth, but I have my doubts. repubs and dems have become the new Isrealis and Palestinians and all of you have forgotten that we all are supposed to be Americans. I suspect I am one of the few who is ashamed, and from your writing, it sadly appears so. you will continue to be played as the followers of both sides are. sad.
unreal. You really are brainwashed. If you label yourself a conservative (or a liberal), youre just closing your mind and doing what THEY tell you. Break the mold and think for yourself and the World. Wake up.
We're going to have to raise taxes after Bush spends all our country's money on the war! then the Liberals look like the bad people. nice spin.
Fox News:
How Fox Would Have Reported Mark Foley's Resignation if He Were a Democrat
Mr. Swift,
You do good work, sir. I have linked to you on my blog so that my three readers may know of your greatness.
So -- you can legally have sex with a 16-year old (anal, oral, you name it) but it's a crime to email down & dirty talk to a sixteen year old via the internet--?
I can't wait for that law to be challanged in the SCROTUM -- er SCOTUS:
"But Judge Scalea -- if it's permissible under D.C. law to moan and groan during the sex act with a consenting 16 year old, it certainly can't be illegal to send suggestive smileys with wiggling booties via Yahoo...
The depth of your analysis of the Mark Foley scandal (Scandal?) is awesome.
Please explain what George Soros had to do with it.
Thank you.
The best part of this blog are the lefties that don't realize it is satire.
>The best part of this blog are the lefties that don't realize it is satire.
I enjoy that part, too, though it would reflect more unflatteringly on us if it weren't for the fact that Mr. Swift's posts are not that far removed rhetorically and logically from the objects of their satire.
"The Democrats seem to have no regard for Americans' privacy. They seemed to think it was OK to release Rep. Foley's private email and instant message communications to the media, which Republicans had endeavored to keep discreet."
These IMs occured by a public servant, on computers purchased by the American taxpayer. Most employment contracts state an employer has a right to look at your emails generated in the workplace. I can't imagine Congress is any different (national security issues aside.)
Republicans, or Democrats for that matter, are only interested in keeping things discreet when it serves their purpose. Thinking otherwise is naivete.
"The Democrats seem to have no regard for Americans' privacy. They seemed to think it was OK to release Rep. Foley's private email and instant message communications to the media, which Republicans had endeavored to keep discreet."
These IMs occured by a public servant, on computers purchased by the American taxpayer. Most employment contracts state an employer has a right to look at your emails generated in the workplace. I can't imagine Congress is any different (national security issues aside.)
Republicans, or Democrats for that matter, are only interested in keeping things discreet when it serves their purpose. Thinking otherwise is naivete.
This is the worst peice of shit I have ever read in my entire life and anyone who agree with anything he is saying is sick
"Once people know the truth about this scandal, I think it will actually hurt Democrats more."
pffffffffffffft. Can you offer some stock tips? I wanna know what NOT to buy. ;)
Republicans lost control of the Senate because of the hypocrisy of this kind of thing.
Their values rhetoric has been shown to be nothing more than an election tool. Voter's are slow, but they ain't stupid.
Marti, I think you should read my post on why hypocrisy is a virtue.
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That is great to hear, thank you for reading!
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
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