Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sometimes There Are No Words

One of my favorite bloggers and frequent commenters has suffered a terrible loss.


Anonymous said...

What a shame. Absolutely heartbreaking.

It says something about blogging that the first thing the dude did, before he even told his own parents and other family members about his son's demise, was to write a blog post.

Chuck Butcher said...

It was 3:00 AM and waking people up at that hour for that kind of news would be a bit heartless.

Jon, despite appearances to the contrary, you are a gentleman and the kindness of all has made our lives a bit better in a very rough patch.

I thank you all, very sincerly
Chuck Butcher

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear, I meant that it says something *good* about blogging.

Anonymous said...

speechless and spellbounded too .. I'm sorry to hear that

The Sailor said...

I don't know what Comrade meant to say, but I do know I've faced the decision of whether to wake folks up before.

I finally decided that if someone has died there is no reason to wake people up. They can't do anything about it and it'll just keep their other loved ones up all night.

Let them get a good night's sleep, maybe one of the last they'll have for awhile.

Chuck, I know I'm not there for you but, in a small way, I hope it helps that all of us are there for you.

Jon, you rock in so many ways!

Brother Bastardfish said...

That sucks.

Micgar said...

Jon-I can't imagine the hurt and pain Chuck is going through. Losing a child has to be one of the worst ever losses for someone.

Anonymous said...

This is a tragedy that is so incredibly hard for a parent to bear. Chuck has kept himself centered, I'm amazed by his courage. My heart goes out to him and his family. I am sorry for his loss and truly sorry that all the potential of his son's life vanished in such a way.

Unknown said...

Heartbreaking. And my heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Nick Butcher.

watzabatza said...

Good Day!

That's not a good news.

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Chuck Butcher said...

I hope you're OK Jon, I'd hate for my sad story to be this blog's epitath. I'd feel much better to see it move down list.

jurassicpork said...

Jon, what's going on, dude? It's two months since I had my last fix. You OK? Someone out there from the right side of the tracks has to keep moonbats like me honest.

Drama Queen said...

We miss you.

etherealheaven said...

the way you present every news and story in your site is very exquisite! it really informs. would you mind if we exchange links? ^___^

dconlay said...


This is my first comment on a blog.

Where are you at?

Please come back.

David James Conlay.

ButteryPat said...

Come on Swift! We need the truth! Come back, you're missed so much.

Mike Jones said...

Come on Swift!Come back, we miss you so much.

ebay Marketing said...

I hope you're OK Jon, I'd feel much better to see it move down list.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you've been waiting for a response from me, your most prolific fan?

I've been anonymously waiting patiently in the wings for you...

Please come back!

I promise to post more responses if you do!

Anonymously yours!

Nero 9 Serial said...

that's a bad news.

Lemuel G said...

Dear Dean Swift,

I offer salutations and best wishes from her Brittanic Majesty's capital. Like my friends in Laputa, Brobdingnag and the Land of the Houyhnhnms, I inquire after thy wellbeing.

Your servant always,


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UFC 102 Live Stream said...

oh god! that is so heartaching

zencomix said...

If I see you no more in this world, I'll meet you in the next one, and don't be late,don't be late

Fletch said...

Imagine that...

A "real conservative" who would rather die than live under liberal tyranny.

I can only salute the young man's choice!

sirvan said...

a heartbreaking thought... tsk tsk...

Bukko Boomeranger said...

I dropped by for my monthly check to see if there's anything new, and I notice on that list of blogs you visit that you were at one place 43 minutes ago, and another two hours ago, etc. So you're alive. Perhaps you should turn off that widget. People might use it to stalk you by looking for your comments on other blogs. Not me, of course. But maybe someone inspired by my hint, mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!

sirvan said...


hhhmm... you can't dectate what he want. Maybe he has a purpose.

taemo said...

just wait for the time.

Micgar said...

Jon-where in the holy heck are you?

denparser said...

it's not a good news. we feel sorry with that.

The BoBo said...

Dude - waiting for you to come back. Even though its been a while since you posted - just wanted to let you know that I still nominated you for the 2009 Weblog Awards. Even in your lengthy absence you're still the best.

I know this was a real tragedy. I lost a brother in a similar manner. I hope this event wasn't the demise of your blogging. Anyway - looking forward to your return.

Get Info Here said...

Maybe you have to investigate thoroughly first.

dves said...

Absolutely correct. That's what I want to.

Donald said...

that was so sad.

dvestv said...

It must be recovered to make it good again.

carl said...

Terribly sad to lose a loved one.

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McFred said...

Lick the in-grown hairs on my smooth-as-hell ass.

Anonymous said...

I hope you've had a Merry Christmas Mr. Swift.

all2010videos said...

I have also read similar of this kind of article. One of his friend and his blog-commenter was burried alive as the building was crashed as earthquake on Haiti happened. They were so happy chatting at that moment with cam, and he really witnessed as his friend trembled in fear as the tragedy came. So poor friend.

Anonymous said...

miss u .....

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gih said...

this not good though.

vangie said...

completely heartbreaking. I don't like that.

dennis said...

same feelings here, Joel.

Anonymous said...

DOOD i only discoverd this awesome blog like a week before it ended - NOT FAIR ... write something for gawd's sake!

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mlfcyw said...

I don't know how else to tell you all who love this blog. I am Jon Swift's Mom and I guess I'm going to OUT him. He was Al Weisel, my beloved son. Al was on his way to his father's funeral in VA when he suffered 2 aortic aneurysms, a leaky aortic valve and an aortic artery dissection from his heart to his pelvis. He had 3 major surgeries within 24 hours and sometime during those surgeries also suffered a severe stroke. We, his 2 sisters, his brother, his partner and his best friend since he was 9 years old were with him as he took his last breath. We have all lost a shining start who warmed our hearts, tormented us and made us laugh as he giggled at our pulling something over on us. He passed away on February 27, 2010. My beloved child will live on in so many hearts. I miss him more than I can say. If you are on Facebook, go to organizations and join "Friends of Al Weisel, Unite!" It will give you just a taste of how special he was. Farewell, Jon (Al)

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. There really are no words...

Liri said...

To mlfcyw, I am so sorry for your loss. Your son was a very smart and funny writer, and his posts here demonstrated an honorable and generous spirit. Like others, I was sorry he couldn't write here more often - real life tends to get in the way of such worthy but nonpaying endeavors, unfortunately.

Please accept my condolences.

bjkeefe said...

Thank you for letting us know. This is terrible news for Jon/Al's online friends, and I can only imagine how much worse it is for you.

I wish you strength and as short a time as possible to the place where you'll only think of all the laughter and kindness your son provided.

Substance McGravitas said...

Thanks mlfcyw for raising a fine son.

William K Wolfrum said...

My deepest condolences to Al's family. He was someone who always took time out to give me advice, or help me with any request. He was just golden in every aspect. And the best satirist on the entire internet.

My heart aches.

artemisia said...

I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jon Swift's mom. There are no words. I had very few links to my favourite blogs, and his was one. Sorely missed. Farewell, from Nonny Mouse of C&L and Mouse Musings, with much sadness.

Jeff Fecke said...

I am so sorry for your loss -- indeed, for your losses. If it helps you take solace in your grief, know that your son was a gifted and beloved writer, and that he made this world a better place to live in through his ability to draw a smile.

TJ said...

My sincere condolences. Jon/Al had one of the most generous hearts on this side of the political blogosphere, happily trading links with any and all bloggers. His wit and spirit have been and will continue to be missed.

Libby Spencer said...

I'm blogging and crying. Jon, or as we now know, Al was a fabulous blogger and very kind to small blogger like me. He was a gracious linker and he gave me a big boost back when I started years ago. I wouldn't have made the B-list without his help. It's a great loss to Blogtopia and the greater world. Rest in peace dear friend who I never met but loved anyway.

My deepest condelences to the family and those who knew him well in real life.

Libby Spencer said...

Going to let all the typos in that last comment stand. Not typing well through the tears.

CZHA said...

Our lives were better because of Al. We all relished his wit, his insight, his spark of light. I'm so sorry that it has been extinguished.

My condolences.

splord said...

Condolences to the family. Those of us on the Internets lost a wonderfully satirical voice, but you've lost a treasured family member.

Very sad.

Carl said...


As large a void as Al left in our lives, I imagine the void in yours is terrible. I'm sad for your loss. I mourn less for our loss than for yours.

If a parent can be judged on their children, you are an amazing mom. Please take some small comfort from the fact that your son not only touched so many lives, but brought much joy to so many of us when we had a bad day or really needed a laugh.

Al was always willing to lend a hand to someone like me, a C-List blogger who scraped up trying to drum up readership. A word of encouragement, a link from one of his posts, a short note telling me how much he enjoyed a post or comment of mine.

I will miss him.

Carl said...

It does seem like Al's heart broke in burying his father.

commie atheist said...

Truly sad news. I've come back here every few weeks or so for the past year to see if Jon had posted anything new, and was always disappointed that he hadn't. And now he never will.

I didn't know Jon, but he was someone who truly made a difference in my life, with his humor and sharp wit and his ability to see things clearly which many people lack, myself included. My condolences.

Crispy Fish said...

So long Jon, and thanks for all the words. That was some good stuff.

Heartfelt sympathy to Al's family.

Connecticut Man1 said...

One of the greatest satirists in the entire Blogosphere, for certain. And someone I considered a friend even if our only contact was through comments, posts and occasional emails. I had assumed for a longtime that something had been wrong with him as he had not updated his blog in nearly a year. Now we all know why. :(

Chuck Butcher said...

It is so sad that the epitath for Jon Swift the blog is my sad story and even sadder that it contains his mother's announcement of his passing.

Thanks "Al", your humor made things a bit better for a lot of us and your consideration of the little guy kept some of us going.

Chris in Seattle said...

While I did not "know" him, I have appreciated him for such things as Blog Amnesty Day and his promotion of little guys like me.His ability to look at some of the dire circumstances of our day through the lens of satire shows an intelligence and maturity I can only wish to obtain. He will be missed; he has been missed.

May he find true, lasting peace in his final resting place.

Carl said...


His passing is so fraught with irony that it almost makes sense that this post serve a second purpose.

Rush Limbaugh lives. Jon Swift dies.

There is no God.

LT said...

Oy. I've been regularly checking his site since that last so sad posting months ago. Sorry Mom and family, so sorry.

TomT said...

Your son touched many people with his amazing wit.

He will be missed.

Frank said...

I am sorry. His humor and incisiveness inspired and sustained me.

His writing lived up to his pen name.

My thoughts are with you.

Jacquie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Jon/Al will truly leave a void in this world. I'm not on Facebook, but I wanted to come out of the woodwork to share my condolences.

Mark Gisleson said...

My condolences. I cannot imagine what such a loss would be like.

kc said...

I am so terribly sorry to hear that. He was brilliantly funny. He will be missed.

Simon Owens said...

My condolences. Jon was a great writer.

Linkmeister said...

Oh no. My condolences to you and the family, ma'am. He was a brilliant and incisive writer, puncturing balloons left and right (mostly right) with great care.

I'll miss him.

Anonymous said...

What a tragedy. Al was one of the best people - this blog was funny, sometimes hilarious, but sharp-witted. And despite his fame as 'Jon Swift', he always treated any blogger or commenter as worth talking and linking to.

We're the poorer for his passing. My condolences, Mrs. Weisel.

luke said...

i only knew is writing, but i can tell we have lost a very good person.

Freida Bee said...

This is very sad news. My thoughts go out to his friends and family in the meat world. We will miss him here in virtuality, as well. A wonderful man he was.

Kip W said...

Jon was a superb writer, and I will miss his incisive and reasoned posts. His front was so well maintained that a lot of people thought he was saying the opposite of what he really was, and that was amusing in its way as well. But there's no joy in Mudville today, alas.

My condolences to his family. He was appreciated, I hope they know.

Lesley said...

Any person who can make the world laugh (at right wing noobs) and chuckle at itself is a blessing and a gift. Earth will be a lesser place without our "Jon". All the best to Al's family in this difficult time.

Burt Likko said...

Thank you, mlfcyw, for letting the community know about Al's passing. Our thoughts and condolences are with you.

He was truly something special, and when he took on the pen name Jon Swift and began making the entire blogging universe laugh, he was in a class by himself and above all the rest.

Anonymous said...

"Swift has sailed into his rest.
Savage indignation there
cannot lacerate his breast.
Imitate him if you dare,
world-besotted traveller.
He served human liberty."

Rest, dear Al. You are loved.

Phil said...

I owe a debt of gratitude to Al that the only way I can ever repay now is to continue his tradition of inclusiveness for Blogger's big or small. Blogroll Amnesty Day was a brilliant answer to a vexing problem and I have benefited greatly because of him and the great Skippy The Bush Kangaroo.

Both were the first big name Blogs to link to my wee little Rant Hole, Ornery Bastard.

God Speed sir and my sincere condolences to his family.

Clark said...

Jon Swift was one of the first blogs to link to my own poor efforts. Al gave a hand up to many of us in the blogosphere. Reasonable conservatives everywhere are weeping tonight.

jurassicpork said...

This is the greatest loss to our ranks since Steve Gilliard. God knows we can't afford to lose more of these voices.

jurassicpork said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Otto Man said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. And ours.

dbati said...

To Al's family, I am so sorry for your loss. Jon Swift was a beautiful satirist, he was an asset to this thing called the internet.

I am truly sorry for your loss.

SJohn said...

Oh, my stars! My deepest condolences to the family, and to all of Jon's readers. Just knowing that I'll never read any new gems from him is breaking my heart; I cannot even imagine how those who knew and loved him in real life must feel.

Farewell, you brilliant, compassionate, funny man....

Anonymous said...

"Jon Swift" made me laugh and helped me survive the George W. Bush era with my sanity intact. Thanks, Al.

Comrade Misfit said...

mlfcyw, my condolences. I never met your son in person' I was very impressed by his work here. And like a lot of other newer bloggers who have already posted in these comments, he helped my by adding my poor blog to his blogroll.

Fair winds forever, Jon/Al.

Scott C. said...

This is a very sad day for Jon/Al's many admirers. I was a long time fan of his witty and humane writing, and like others here, hoped for the day he would resume blogging. He will be missed, and remembered. My deepest condolences to his family and friends.

Chuck Butcher said...

Al's Mom,
The post these comments are appended to linked to my own sad story. Al linked it because he gave a damn and that post generated hundreds of comments of condolences and encouragement which came at a horrible time. Nothing can make these losses "all better" but the out pouring of caring made our lives a bit better. Jon's link drove a sizable portion of those comments and I owe him for that.

I hope comments here bring to you some of the relief my family took from ours. We appreciate the gift you gave to us in your son, that his family gave us of his time and creativity. I am especially in debt to his family, but all of us owe something. As the title states, "Sometimes There Are No Words," but I have tried to use some as well as I can to do the impossible - express my debt.

Many scoff at the blogging community, missing from the comments list on my posting are the emails and snail mails and phone calls made by those who are a part of that community, even with what is missing, the record is astonishing and that demonstrates some of what your son was up to around here. If the expressions here touch you and help you in this time, you will have a sense of what Jon's kindness meant to my family. Along with Al's body of work, this should also stand as a monument to him.

Thank You,
Chuck Butcher and Family

The Truffle said...

I only knew him as Jon Swift, a fellow blogger whom I thought was a great writer. My thoughts are with his family.

Godspeed, Mr. Weisel. My thoughts are with his family.

Gush Flimflam said...

Win some, lose some.

Cujo359 said...

Thank you for letting us know about Jon's passing. I think that what so many people have written here already demonstrates how generous and talented he was. My thoughts are with you and the rest of Al's family and friends.

Batocchio said...

Condolences and best wishes. I was very sorry to hear about this. Jon/Al was a very talented person, but also very kind and generous in all my dealings with him. I'm writing an appreciation later tonight. So sorry for your loss.

Tengrain said...

I know it is not about me, but I am shattered by this sad news. I really was expecting him to return to blogging some day.

Jon/Al was always very kind, smart, and funny, and he made a difference for so many of us. He was also very generous, both with his time and comments, and advice. I always felt honored whenever he would cite or link to my place: it was like making the Dean's List.

Thank you for all that you did Al; you will be missed.



melior said...

Wow, I'm a stunned. I will really miss Al's wit and genius.

I feel lucky to have known him by his writing.

zencomix said...

The world just lost another great one. Rest in peace, friend!

Fred4Pres said...

RIP Jon. I thought this was a funny blog. I am sorry for your family. I am sorry for us all for the loss of your talent.

bitchphd said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry.

Mama Wiesel, my heart goes out to you. As a mama myself, I can't imagine losing my son, at any age. Please accept my inadequate condolences for your tragic loss.

I adored "Jon Swift's" blog. It was clever and subtle and hilarious. I had a special appreciation for both the persona and the style because my dissertation happened to be on 18th-century pseudonymous periodicals, with an entire section on the original John Swift's "Bickerstaff Papers." Al's ability to channel the spirit of his model was brilliant. I was a big admirer, and I will miss his writing tremendously.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Jon Swift was simply the best.

Thanks for the thought-provoking laughs, and your generous spirit.

Renee said...

I was more of a lurker than a commenter but I wanted to delurk to say I am so sorry for you loss.

Micgar said...

Al-now that we know your name-rest in peace. You're going to be missed so much! I always thought of you as the best satirical blogger out there. Condolences to your family.

Rob Wolfe said...

"Jon Swift" was the reason I wrote my first blog post. I wasn't as talented or as funny as Al was but he was my inspiration.

Life really isn't fair sometimes.

Kevin Hayden said...

I was stunned to hear this news a couple of hours ago. I had to go offline to gather my thoughts after such a shock.

First, to his Mom, siblings, friends and partner: my deep and heartfelt condolences, at the loss of Al and his father. Few can fathom the enormity of losing a child of any age; fewer the enormity of such a double whammy.

You're each in my heart and thoughts.

You've heard from some of his readers how he was viewed, as a humorist and blogger. Skippy has posted links on his blog to things other bloggers have written, as well.

As the coordinator of a semi-defunct group blog - American Street - I scoured through lists of thousands of blogs ever on the lookout for rising talents, over much of the past 8 years and Al's talents were immediately obvious. With the fresh bio information now, it's clear his talents were well-known before most people knew what a blog was.

Yes, the comparison to Colbert is apt, except Colbert also is a self-promo artist. Al struck me as being too humble to toot his own horn in a similar way.

And that was as essential as Al's wit. He impressed me mightily as a decent and fair man. He didn't use his blog as a bludgeon to destroy conservatives. He chided and ridiculed, but he also engaged them and encouraged them to respond. They weren't run out of Dodge as occurs on many a liberal site.

So when Blog Amnesty Day occurred, he was clear that everyone would be linked to, even those with different views. I'm not sure everyone took notice of that, as that central decency came to my attention via the email contacts I had with him then, and at other times.

Such generosity of spirit deserves praise always. But I doubt that's news to those of you who enjoyed him offline.

Thank you, each of you who loved him. We are all aggregates of the influences of our loved ones, so I trust some of your own specialness was passed through his keyboard as well.

May you each find peace again, after the trauma of your losses.

And I hope Al is smiling somewhere at the great success he achieved in this life.

Freelancer said...

As much condolence as any voice out there on the internet can bring, I'd still like to express my own. Sincerely. Al's writing was a joy to read, and he never failed to amuse.

I'm sorry for your losses, and hope you and your family can find some peace in these crumbling days.


belledame222 said...

Oh, no. I'm so sorry.

Drama Queen said...

I already missed him too much. He was the best.

lauredhel said...

Jon, or Al, will be a loss to the blogosphere and to the world. My heart goes out to his family.


Jill said...

Al was one of the great wits of the blogosphere. I can remember more than once having coffee-in-the-keyboard moments while reading this blog. I hope that his family has some comfort in knowing that there are many, many of us out there who admired his work and who feel a giant gaping hole in our lives today that he's gone. He gave us the gift of laughter, and he was a generous soul as well. Not a bad legacy, but it shouldn't have come this damn early.

Comrade PhysioProf said...

Goodbye, Jon Swift/Al Weisel. Condolences to those who love him.

Larry Hamelin said...

Sic transit gloria mundi.

Pete Blackwell said...

I am so sorry. Jon was so nice and gracious to me when I was a wannabe blogger, and his great writing always made me laugh. This is a great loss. Condolences.

Persia said...

Jon/Al was brilliant and so funny. I'll miss his presence, even though I was a perennial lurker.

DBK said...

My sincere condolences. A complete stranger to me has passed on and it feels so much like losing a friend. May he rest in peace, and peace to his family as well.

tata said...

It was a real privilege to read Jon/Al's work. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Diva said...

Jon was brilliant and I always thought he'd return to the blogs. Alas, it was not to be.

So very sad, to lose a child. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Inconstant Reader said...

mlfcyw, my condolences. I didn't know your son personally, but he was a truly brilliant satirist who made the Internet — and the world — a better place through his contributions. He will be sorely missed.

Another Luke said...

Thank you for letting us know about this loss. I loved Jon/Al's work, have linked to it often on my own blog, and have continued to check in on his blog hoping for updates or news, but this is just terrible news. The world lost a voice that made many people laugh and think, and his writing was smart. My condolences to his family.

tigtog said...

Like so many others, I was shocked to hear of Jon/Al's passing. His writing and generous spirit were rare treasures. Condolences to all who knew and loved him better than we bloggers did. You will surely miss him more than we could know.

Brad Jacobson said...

He was the best at what he did and a good soul, too. He will be missed. My heart goes out to his family and friends. Rest in peace, Al.

mistah charley, ph.d. said...

I never met Jon/Al in person. He was a wonderful writer. You could tell he was a mensch just by reading his blog. Let's carry on in our own way in the time left to us.

Dr Zen said...

Deep condolences on the loss of a beloved son and a good man.

King Quaker said...

As it was in the beginning, so shall it be at the end.
One love.

Anonymous said...

I've been checking periodically hoping for one of Jon Smith's delightful satires. He wrote so well. He understood language and he understood people. Can you miss someone you've never met? Yes.

uriel said...

And so this last post becomes even sadder still. Al was definitely one of the good ones. The world is now a dimmer place.

To his mom- I know my condolences aren't nearly enough, even though they are all I have to offer. I can't imagine you sense of loss at the moment. I just hope it helps in this time of grief to see how many lives your son's touched, and that perhaps your sadness is at least a little balanced by the pride you deserve for raising such an extraordinary son.

fish said...

Just another on the long list of people that will miss the new Jon Swift.

Julian Meteor said...

Jon/Al was a REGULAR reader of my blog and a FINE writer himself.
May he rest in PEACE


Lotus said...

I just learned the news a couple of hours ago.

The world is a little darker today. The world is a little less witty today. We have lost one of our own, one who was the best I've come across at what he did - the number of outraged liberals and delighted conservatives who commented on his posts is proof enough.

RIP, Jon. Yes, we now know your name was actually Al Weisel, but to us you will remain our Jon Swift.

And to Al's mom: I can only imagine how hard it must be to deal with such a double tragedy. To in the midst of that think of letting us know is a very special thing and merits very special thanks.

Joshua Trupin said...

Rest in peace.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

Dear Mrs. Weisel,

I'm sorry that your son, who I only knew through his blog identity, is gone. If he was anything in person like he was in his "Swift" alter ego, he was a splendid human. He impressed me with his knowledge and gentle wit. During the abominable Bush years, it was easy to get enraged. I sure did, in ways that changed my life, and I could not hide my anger. No doubt your son was also disturbed by what he saw happening in America, but he expressed it in a sly way that made many eyes twinkle. It's small consolation for your loss, but remember that many people, literally all over the world, thought he was a fantastic guy.

Sharon said...

This is such sad news. RIP Jon/Al.

willis said...

Very sorry to hear this news. He left us way too soon. All the best to his family and thanks so much to his mother for posting this...

Sungold said...

Mrs. Wiesel, I cannot fathom losing a son (I've got two). I wish you comfort in the weeks ahead. Bless you and all who are grieving with you.

I only knew your son through his "Jon Swift" persona, but what a gift that was to the world. He often made me feel like cruel people in power wouldn't stand a chance, if there were only more people with Jon's integrity and sharp wit.

Dave Dubya said...

Jon Swift was a wonderful gift of brilliant satire for us all. This blog was a true delight for the lucky reader to discover. When I first found this blog I thought, “Damn, he’s doing what I WISH I could do! He's the Colbert of the blog world."

He tweaked our minds, warmed our hearts, and tickled our funnybones like no one else could.

Thanks Al.

mlfcyw said...

Al/Jon was laid to rest yesterday, next to his grandparents, in Hammonton, NJ. I want to thank you all for the kind words you have expressed about him. I am in awe of how he seems to have slipped into so many people's lives and made them a little better, made them think and actually helped them in their walk through this life here. He will be in my heart and I will miss him forever. I have posted some childhood pictures on the "Friends of Al Weisel, Unite!" He was such a dear little boy who grew into such an amazing man. Who knew? Mimi Weisel

Anonymous said...

Right winger here who rarely agreed with 'Jon' but appreciated his writing talents.

May he be in a place where his snark is unnecessary.

Liri said...

Thanks for thinking of us, Mimi, and coming over here to leave a message. As you can see, we'll all miss him.

My condolences to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

So very sorry for the loss of such a talented writer. My sincere condolences to Al's family and friends.

Ann Bee said...

Like others some others here, I'm typing through tears at the loss of this loving and brilliant man. I've been checking back here on a weekly basis for nearly a year, hoping against hope that he would return to us.

Sometimes there are no words.

cheflovesbeer said...

Rest In peace my friend

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Anonymous said...

I have never read Jon's blog, but the name certainly sounds conservative to me. Each word must have been weighed and sincere, just like when they say things on Fox News.

... sorry. I had to leave a tribute.

My gratitude to Jon, and my condolences to his family and friends.

soccer jerseys said...

What an absolute tragedy. My heart goes out to the guy, as a father I truly feel what a devastating loss this would be :(

mw said...

Damn. Damn. Damn.

I think I will just choose to believe that this is one last Jon Swift satirical coup. C'mon Jon - I know you engineered this meme and are out there watching just to see the reaction.

Good one, Jon. Not as good as the April Fools Joke, but you had me going for awhile.

mw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dinosaur Trader said...

You can hide your identity on the internet, but you can't hide your heart. It was always clear to me from my correspondence with "Jon" that he was one of the good ones.


tenacitus said...

Jon Swift was a wonderful, funny writer, I had the impression from reading his work that he was a honest, kindly man.

The internet is poorer without him. I am very sorry for his family's loss. I wish his dear ones all the best.

Knighton said...

I cannot believe that such a gifted writer is gone. I am so sorry for your loss, Al's mom. I too will miss this great person whom I never met. His work will live on in my classroom, however. I have been using a couple of his blog posts when I teach "A Modest Proposal" for the last three years. So very sad.

Alexander Wolfe said...

I sure miss Jon.

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Anonymous said...

I just read the comments. I'm so sad to hear the news and my thoughts go out to his family and friends. Jon/Al was a very talented writer and he will be missed by people like me who had never even met him.

Ali Gator said...

I don't know what to say. I stopped blogging over a year ago because of ill health and a family tragedy. Jon wished me well. I came here to tell him I was back, only to discover that he is gone now. Jon/Al - you are missed.

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I just have no comments to metion about this poor guy and it has really made me sad. Loosing a child is one of the worst loss one could wish.

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Pattaya Girls said...

i thought they took away stuff that would allow u to commit suicide in jail.

tigtog said...

I absolutely HATE seeing all these spam comments left as updates here on this post. Isn't there any way for somebody to look through his computer and find out his login details? Or any way for the family to contact Google and have the blog assigned to one of them so that they can enable moderation and delete all the spam?

It's heartbreaking to see Jon's legacy come to this.

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That's not a good news. He better find himself comfortable.

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Mike said...

This is absolutely awful. Can you imagine how the father most of felt hearing that the love of his life his son had passed away. Suicide is something our culture didn't want to deal with but it's a real problem.

Saskboy said...

I still miss Jon (Al) Swift.

Susan Vento said...

Hi Jon,

I have a quick question regarding your blog. If you could send me an email when you get a chance, I would greatly appreciate it!


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