Ever since Sarah Palin revealed that her unmarried teenage daughter Bristol was pregnant, conservatives have been struggling with what liberals see as a contradiction between our fierce opposition to unwed motherhood and our support for Palin and family values. Now comes word that the wedding is off and conservatives once again are having difficulty explaining why Bristol Palin is different from other unwed mothers.
During the campaign Focus on the Family's James Dobson largely ignored the difficult unwed mother question and congratulated her on not having an abortion. Party of Death author Ramesh Ponnuru pointed out that she was not technically an unwed mother yet because she was engaged, unlike Murphy Brown, even though that didn't quite work out in the end. Others took a Kübler-Ross journey from denial to anger to acceptance.
When some liberals attacked conservatives for being hypocritical, future New York Times columnist Ross Douthat brilliantly exposed their own hypocrisy. "Suppose that social conservatives hadn't rallied around the Palin family after news of Bristol Palin's pregnancy broke," he wrote. "If anything remotely like this had happened, all we'd hear is satisfied chirping about how the response to Bristol Palin's pregnancy proves, once and for all, that social conservatives don't give two figs about the rights of the unborn; what they really care about is controlling women's sex lives and reinforcing patriarchal norms, full stop…. They're mad that religious conservatives aren't fitting neatly into the stereotypes that liberals have spent years cultivating." In other words, liberals would have attacked us even if we had responded the way they thought we would based on what we have said in the past, so by responding in a completely opposite way we proved how hypocritical they are. But although Douthat gleefully pointed out liberals' hypocrisy, he seemed reluctant to point out why conservatives were not being hypocritical even though the answer was staring him in the face.
Why is Bristol Palin different? She is different because she is a conservative.
It's different when unmarried teenage mothers come from conservative, wealthy Christian families. Although it would be preferable if her child had a father, even a white trash one, she will still be able to raise her child with the kinds of values that liberals, poor people, gays and non-Christians would not be able to give to their little bastard children who are destined to become our future criminals. Why are conservatives so reluctant to point out this obvious fact?
The problem with Murphy Brown, who was famously attacked by Dan Quayle in a speech written by Lisa Schiffren, was not just that she was an unwed mother but that she was a liberal unwed mother. As a liberal and a fictional character she would not be able to raise her child with good, conservative, Christian, nonfictional values. And the problem with Rep. Loretta Sanchez, whom Schiffren attacked for having a child before she married her fiancé, is that she is a liberal and her child is doomed to grow up without any values at all. But Schiffren, who supported Sarah Palin, seemed reluctant to point out this important difference, writing, "Being 18 and a single mother is only a little easier for a pretty, middle-class girl than it is for less well-protected girls from those parts of our society where marriage and involved fathers disappeared a couple of generations ago" and finally concluding "all I have to say is, 'poor girl.'" Instead of appearing so tentative, which just made many readers why she hadn't gone after Bristol with the same vehemence that characterized her attacks on a liberal fictional character and a liberal congresswoman, Schiffren should say out loud what all conservatives are thinking: Being an unwed mother is different when you're a conservative.
Kathryn Jean Lopez has been one of our strongest advocates for the need for children to have two parents of the opposite sex, which is why, like Sarah Palin, she is opposed to gay marriage and supports a Constitutional amendment banning it. But instead of noting that Bristol Palin's child will grow up without a father, she wrote, "Let the girl live in peace with her child." Her reaction was similar to the response she had when the Vice President's lesbian daughter Mary Cheney decided to have a baby: "Unless Mary Cheney asks to be a spokeswoman on the issue, folks ought to leave her alone." And yet when she wrote about lesbian Rosie O'Donnell's efforts to adopt a child, Lopez felt compelled to point out her "concerns about instability, sexual-orientation confusion, and emotional problems." What is the difference between Mary Cheney and Rosie O'Donnell? Again, it's obvious. Mary Cheney is a good conservative woman who will no doubt teach her children that they shouldn't become lesbians like their mother and Rosie O'Donnell is a foul-mouthed liberal who will teach her children that homosexuality and bestiality are acceptable lifestyle choices.
Some conservatives have attacked Bristol. Debbie Schlussel claims that conservatives should be "intellectually honest," and expresses the bizarre notion that we should apply the exact same standards to conservatives that we apply to liberals. "If one of Barack Obama's daughters was a single mother, we conservatives would be legitimately all over it. Or if her name was Sha'niqua," she writes. (I'm not sure why she believes the situation would have been different if Sarah Palin had given her daughter a black-sounding name.) Schlussel then blames the fact that Sarah Palin is a working mother for her daughter's pregnancy, which is absurd because Palin supporter Phyllis Schlafly proved long ago that you can work and still be a good mother as long as you are a conservative. Robert Stacy McCain also condemned Bristol harshly, writing, "A child's misconduct always reflects poorly on the family" and then went on to denounce girls who would not date him when he was single because they were "snooty, stuck-up, cliqueish, insufferable demanding, with a high-handed and disdainful way of dealing with people beneath her status, having a self-important attitude," which is of course understandable because what girl from a good family wouldn't have wanted to date McCain when he was single, but again I'm not sure what the relevance is to Bristol Palin although it might be something he would want to explore in therapy.
Although some Palin supporters have expressed disappointment with such views, many conservatives seem to be reluctant to write about this subject at all. Why aren't more conservatives standing up and defending Bristol Palin? Why can't we unequivocally state there should be different standards for liberals and conservatives? One of the problems with liberalism is that they believe everyone is the same and that all morality is relative. But if there is anything that conservatives reject it is the idea of moral equivalency. When America tortures a terrorist suspect that is not the same as when a terrorist tortures someone. Killing civilians in a war or accidentally executing the innocent is not the same as abortion. Denying gays the right to marry is not the same as outlawing miscegenation. Giving corporations tax cuts is not the same as welfare. David Vitter and Larry Craig are not the same as Bill Clinton. Liberals are always trying to confuse us by making false analogies but conservative ideology is based on rejecting false equivalencies and making important distinctions. So we shouldn't be reluctant to say that indeed it is different when a conservative teenager has a child out of wedlock and an inner-city liberal teenager does. We should have the courage of our convictions and not play the liberal game of moral equivalency. Instead of trying to explain away Bristol's pregnancy we should be defending it, holding her up as an example of the difference between liberal teenage unwed mothers and conservative teenage unwed mothers. Because just as it is true that, as Richard Nixon once said, "When the President does it, that means it is not illegal." when a good Christian conservative has a child out of wedlock, that means it's not immoral.
Update: Lisa Schiffren responds with a very thoughtful email: "I see this a little differently than you do. I agree with Kathryn that there is a difference between a grown woman in a position of power (Rosie, Murphy (fictional, but..) and Sanchez), and a private citizen, like Cheney, and even more so like Bristol Palin who got pregnant at 17. If she had committed a felony she would have been punished lightly. As it is, she is a kid who made a mistake and will pay a lot for it -- in the public eye for reasons not of her creation. The other women are role models, who exert cultural influence -- and the first three made a big point of rationalizing and justifying their actions. I don't know about the liberal/conservative divide. I think it matters some, but not ultimately. Religion matters more. And personal grit more still. A large, supportive family helps. If I sounded tentative, it is because I think that we, as a society, have so screwed this up that it is hard to see a way back to a norm of marriage before babies."
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Skeets Of The Day
35 minutes ago
Ah. Now I understand. ;-)
Jon, I love the way you elucidate difficult concepts in a way that makes them seem matter of fact and obvious.
I wish more conservative commentators had your gift, sometimes they leave me confused and anxious.
Why didn't the New York Times offer you a place on their editorial page? I bet they were afraid you would be too persuasive.
Bravo, Mr. Swift, for realizing what is REAL news and that the public doesn't want to hear any more about those Debbie Downer stories, like the continuing economic crisis, the latest jobless report, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the healthcare crisis.
As you so rightly intuited, what Americans -- real Americans -- want is... gossip, the juicier, the better. So I say, God bless you, Mr. Swift, and God bless Bristol Palin, and Meghan McCain, too. (Ann Coulter, take that! You go girl!)
Jon - I was saddened when I heard the news that Levi would not be joining la famille Palin after all. And here I had gone and bought the now-unhappy couple a fish slice.
"Why is Bristol Palin different? She is different because she is a conservative."
I didn't see an emoticon, does that mean you're serious? Do you think Bristol Palin could actually distinguish modern liberalism from modern conservatism, much less articulate a conservative position?
George Bush couldn't do it. I don't know why you'd have such high expectations from Ms. Palin.
Being "born to a single mom and raised by your grandmother" is the new "born in a log cabin on the frontier." It will be a mark of pride that all candidates will tout come 2048 when Tripp finally becomes the third Palin to occupy the White House (I counting on Track to be the Eisenhower level war hero he destined to be).
"Do you think Bristol Palin could actually distinguish modern liberalism from modern conservatism, much less articulate a conservative position?"
That is not the point at all! Brstol Palin IS a conservative because she IS the daughter of a conservative icon. What thought may or may not run through her young head are completely irrelevant.
Thanks for clearing all that up. It was a little hard to figure out why having a child, or at least starting one, out of wedlock is heroic for some and a huge moral failing in others. It's really simple when you have an honest explanation.
Wow. Jon, that was a really great post. I pretty much ignored the whole thing cause I didn't care, but I have been completely confused by the reaction to this from the right all along. Thank you for clearing that up.
"Brstol Palin IS a conservative because she IS the daughter of a conservative icon. What thought may or may not run through her young head are completely irrelevant."
Come to think of it, that pretty much sums up modern conservatism and Christianity; it doesn't matter what one thinks or acts as long as the label gets affixed ahead of time.
I am so grateful for that clarification from Lisa Schiffren on how the distinction between private citizens vs. public role models works into all this nutty equivalency nonsense that liberals keep droning on about. It makes perfect sense! And who would of thought that Ann Coulter would have found so many public role models exerting boundless cultural influence to be the subject of her scorn in her latest book on how low-income single mothers and teen moms are destroying our country. She really must be an exceptional researcher!
The fact is Bristol could eat the kid live on TV, marry a marxist atheist dyke and the RNC would have a ready made excuse that Fox News would repeat ad nauseum: It's the fault of the commie scum democrat party and the islamocommie-controlled media who destroyed the Palin family and inculcated Bristol with wanton desires and twisted urges.
Take moma Sarah.
She is married to a secessionist & is a
theocrat who probably believes in secession.
Why didn't she allow McCain's ppl to brief
her for the Couric interview? Is it b/c she would have to reveal her total ignorance of everything?
Is this Bristol's first child? What do you do when
you are constantly bored & your brain is running
at twice the speed of everything else? You either stay in school, have sex & babies, take
Thorazine, self medicate with drugs and alcohol,
all the above or, in the case of Levi, SIGN UP.
Now I understand compassionate conservatism...It means compassion for conservatives that screw-up (i.e., act human).
Oh yeah, professional lesbian/public relations manager for the Coors Brewing Company (worked as a gay and lesbian outreach coordinator, helping to end a national gay boycott of Coors), daughter of the vice-president of the party with an anti-gay platform serving as director of vice presidential operations for the Bush-Cheney 2004 Presidential re-election campaign, Mary "Now It's My Turn" Cheney is just private citizen.
Is there a name for this kind of rhetorical style? It would appear that Jan is pretending to be a shallow, hypocritical 'conservative' in order to besmirch the sincere Sarah Palins of the world. Or am I missing something in the subtext somewhere?
Mr. Sohl covers why Schiffren is wrong to state that Ms. Cheney is not a public figure. I would like to add that when Bristol is paraded out to stage every day during her mothers campaign, often with her "future husband" in tow - doesn't that make them very public figures? Oh yea I forgot, true conservatives really don't want to be public figures unlike those egomaniac liberals.
In response to Lisa Schiffren's response:
If it had been Chelsea Clinton who had gotten pregnant at 17 or who had turned out to be a lesbian, the argument would have been very different. Which is the entire point.
I must say that neither Ms. Palin nor Octo-mom is starting out with the best laid plans. That said, it is none of my business whether she marries or not, I only wish the best for her child.
Excellent post Jon.
Bristol Palin may be a conservative on everything but her legs.It seems she's quite liberal when it comes to opening them,isn't it?.It Bristol Palin is the poster-child for conservative underage teen girls,it appears these girls are quite liberal when it comes to their sex habits,isn't it?.The child's father maybe "white trash",according to Bristol Palin,but she is without question"white sluttiness" and conservative slutiness at that.
Haven't there always been different rules for different people? Different laws even? I learned that in high-school history class, but also at home, growing up.
My parents were strict with the older kids and too worn out to utter so much as an "I don't think so," to the sixth, seventh, and baby making eight.
now, let's see... was she being a conservative or a liberal when she was having unprotected pre-marital sex at the age of 16 ????
I'm quite confused... is this a parody of a conservative site? I'm quite serious, it's hard for me to tell.
I'm quite confused... is this a parody of a conservative site? I'm quite serious, it's hard for me to tell.
I too am confused. I wonder if the author ever reads and responds to the comboxes?
Of course, it's a bad sign when you have to explain your own jokes, but still, I'd like to know.
Jon, there is no hypocrisy and you have left out the main reason. Conservatives are FORGIVEN and washed CLEEN in the blood of the LAMB. Unlike liburals, democrats, satanists, sodomites, brown people, and other godless heathens.
I too am confused. Indeed, I'm beginning to think that "Jon Swift" isn't even a real name. And it looks like he hasn't updated his author photo in years.
Excellent clarification of the ultimate conservative maxim:
"Do as I say and not as I do."
Sarah and Todd should probably been a little clearer with Bristol on this point.
Ah! Jonathan Swift! So this is satire!? But is satire still relevant in a culture where anyone can, with straight face, define vicodin-guzzling Rush Limbaugh or Caribou Barbie as "conservative?"
That fiction alone is stranger than any truth I could imagine as the subject of a satire.
I get it, conservative is the new term for Master Race. Anything that we conservatives do is ok because our values are such that everything will come out of it in an excellent fashion. Master Race, even Adolph would have stretched to come to this idea about Bristol Palin. Gee, I thought that Bristol's explanation made far more sense than this Blog and the subsequent comments.
Jon, I salute you. A real thinker makes concepts seem self-evident and makes us wonder how we missed them.
Standards are different for liberals and conservatives. Pretending that the same rules apply to both is just weakminded foolishness.
This principle underlies much of contemporary conservative discourse but nobody talks about it. You have taken something that was treated as a guilty secret and made it into a shining beacon. This is not a weakness, it is a strength! You have freed conservatives from the shackles of consistency.
Even Ann Coulter, that exemplar of toughminded masculine reasoning, missed the boat on this. She settled for ridiculing liberals' preoccupation with hypocrisy, especially her own, when she could have cut them off at the knees.
When standards are different the charge of hypocrisy is absurd.
Another writer who came close is Michael R. LeGault. His book Think used critical thinking as a weapon to demolish foolish liberal views. He seldom (if ever) applied it to good solid conservative views. And why should he? If you apply critical thinking to your own views, you might wind up questioning them, which leads to secular humanism.
But he didn't explain the principle that different standards apply to liberal arguments and conservative arguments, he just demonstrated it through his choice of targets. It's ironic that someone writing a critical thinking book couldn't make that final leap.
Coulter or LeGault had their chance to be known as the Father of Post-Modern Conservatism. But that mantle now falls upon you. This must be a proud day for Pseudonym-Americans.
Robert Stacy McCain is my new hero. Being snubbed in high school by the daughter of the local Carpet Barn owner is as sound a basis for the whole conservative point of view as I've ever heard.
You must admit "Murphy (fictional, but..)" is a good summation of conservative thought as well.
At least Sarah isn't jealous and allows Bristol her time in the lime-light, unlike Bill and Hillary who hid Chelsea away as if she were some hideous creature...oh wait...
that's her life.. no matter how conservative her family is. but if she want, she does, indeed...
guys, you break my taste on ‘brothers and sisters’, I mean it's true - just because your explanation is covering almost everything. thanks for sharing
A contributor to Jon's forum ponders the question of the moment, " now, let's see... was she being a conservative or a liberal when she was having unprotected pre-marital sex at the age of 16 "
Dear contributor:
Your confusion is understandable. However, she was merely being a thoughtless and careless 16 year old girl while having sex.
Those who wish to engage in the futile exercise of charging a 16 year old with intellectual hypocrisy may of course feel free to do so.
But as to whether merely having sex really makes her a liberal:
1, She will only become a liberal as we know liberals nowadays, when she begins announcing that others should foot the bill for the consequences.
2, She will become a liberal intellectual when she tries to come up with an ideological justification for politically coercing others to tolerate her brood parasitism.
And, 3, when she ceases to be considered nubile, grows sallow, begins to emit a rank odor, and squawks endlessly about nothing in particular, she will become an adult liberal female of the QuasiMoDo subspecies.
And yes, dear readers, Jon Swift is a pretend conservative; just like little Frank Rich is a pretend man.
A broadened interpretation of the concept of "droit de seigneur." How refreshingly straightforward and honest.
And previous commenter: if you substitute "conservative" for "liberal" and "Ingrahamarangue" for "QuasiMoDo" it reads perfectly.
...the need for children to have two parents of the opposite sex...
Since I’m obviously an idiot, and clearly not the sharpest tack in the box, I need to understand why boys would need two mothers or girls would need two fathers? Or am I missing something here?
Palin in 2011!
I think Meghan McCain could learn a lot from Bristol Palin. Instead of expressing her "thoughts" on the satanic cyber-rag called The Beast, Meghan should do something truly productive and become a Mommy! (At least having a baby bump would get Laura Ingram to stop calling her fat for a couple of months.) Now, Meghan has complained in the past about having trouble meeting suitable men, so maybe Sen Lindsay Graham or that hot-hot-hot Eric Cantor will do the decent thing and donate some sperm (one way or the other in Graham's case).
yes, it's twu. When last I was on my back consulting the Lud, he too expressed to me that he sees a difficult path back to marriage before babies.
There's a name for this - is it baby with the bathwater? Umm, perhaps it's genie out of the bottle? Sex/contraceptives education? no, no. um... *tapping toes, tapping teeth.* Oh well. It will come to me at 5 in the morning.
Liberals are always trying to confuse us by making false analogies but conservative ideology is based on rejecting false equivalencies and making important distinctions.
Jon, my dear, I am so glad that you get this. Only you failed to finish the thought. The last part that you left out is ----- ...distinctions without any differences.
I agree with Kathryn that there is a difference between a grown woman in a position of power (Rosie, Murphy (fictional, but..) and Sanchez), and a private citizen, like Cheney, and even more so like Bristol Palin who got pregnant at 17.
Like any good liberal, I always take my marching orders from large Hollywood lesbians, fictional characters, and Congresspersons of districts I do not live in, so I definitely grok the distinctions that Ms. Schiffren is emphasizing. After all, Ms. Palin's mother was merely the Governor of Alaska and a candidate for national office at the time she became pregnant (for at least the first or second time, if you believe everything you read on the internets), so she was certainly in no position of power or influence over anyone either real or fictional.
Still, I don't know if I'm totally convinced. I think I need a better test case before I completely buy into Ms. Schiffren's argument. I second Grace Nearing's suggestion, and look forward to Ms. McCain's single parenthood settling this question once and for all.
Ms. Schiffren also says,
...Bristol Palin who got pregnant at 17. If she had committed a felony she would have been punished lightly.
Ms. Schiffren is not quite correct. In certain states, like Texas for example, if Ms. Palin had committed murder, she would not only have been charged with a felony, she would also have likely been sentenced to death:
Of the 73 offenders under sentence of death on December 31, 2000, for crimes committed at age 17 or younger, 55 were age 17 at the time of their offense and the remaining 18 were 16. Nearly half of these offenders (33 of 73) were not juveniles at the time of their offense—they were legally adults because they were older than their state’s upper age of original juvenile court jurisdiction. The majority of these (26 of 33) were 17-year-olds from Texas, where original juvenile court jurisdiction ends at age 16.
"Being 18 and a single mother is only a little easier for a pretty, middle-class girl than it is for less well-protected girls from those parts of our society where marriage and involved fathers disappeared a couple of generations ago"
It's true; those other girls aren't as pretty. However, this should be cause for concern - will the rise of being "knocked up" among pretty girls start to rise? Why bother knocking up some uggo when you can knock up a prime piece of Grade-A beef?
Now I'm hungry.
Thanks Jon-that makes me feel better about the situation. You have taught us that it is better for these conservative girls to be a reproductive citizen than a productive citizen. You know, so they can teach their children to become conservative, and then the cycle continues.
Mr Swift, there's a better reason why Bristol Palin is different.
She's a Palin. Her mom has worked hard to promote her family as the bastion of American familitude, and that alone means that the law of large numbers means one of the girls was going to be banged and knocked up before she was married.
Indeed, the pregnancy of Bristol Palin should be viewed through the lens that America is potent and our missiles will arc skyward and explode within any nation, if she feels the urge to resist our mighty will(y).
Beware, world! our redneck mothers are fecund and we will destroy you!
Being 18 and a single mother is only a little easier for a pretty, middle-class girl than it is for less well-protected girls from those parts of our society where marriage and involved fathers disappeared a couple of generations ago
I'd like to test this theory:
Cheerleaders on the left, please.
Didn't you forget something? I mean, chidren of conservatives are children of God; but chidren of liberals are devil's spawn. Bristol Palin's pregnancy is clearly God's work. Holy mother of God, think about Virgin Mary!
Not The Sharpest said:
" Since I’m obviously an idiot, and clearly not the sharpest tack in the box, I need to understand ..."
Since in your own words you are obviously an idiot; what's the real need?
Classic - I have to come back to this and quote form it.
They were correct.
They said it COULD be done.
They were right.
I could not have done it. But YOU DID IT!
I was one of those big mouths who told people to back the hell off when Monica had Operation Bravo Job in the Oval office at full mast fury.
Ahoy! What an error I made in judgement. After all--all's fair in love n'war, the bards sayeth!
The original Swiftian snark was about sunbeams from cucumbers, geometric shapes from food, and layers of bureacracy that can aid us. Har har, said I--that was but parody of an age. Said methodology often mocked by morons like George Will--and before him George Orwell--but now hailed as liberalism, for the commonweal need.
And so it has. I WISH I HAD THOUGHT of the notion (once held to be rather obnoxious and cornball) of making sure the world of politics and personal intrigue with the kids gets intermixed.
The style! The panache! Amazing!
You sir John Q. Public Swift, are THE man.
The Gods walk among us. And that ain't Obama at the hamburger joint, either. No, it's the guy who's penchant for making sure that a new highlight is to be added to high-powered political stakes!
Yes sir!
Not sure about other elucidations you have here, but from here on out I think we conservatives can take the handy hint that henceforth, in order to avoid media trouble, make sure your little princess gets an abortion at the crack of dawn right after the clear blue tinkle test of whatever so she can join the World Of the Highbrows....and of course fit into her prom dress for that magical night.
I think you might get a kick out of this site Ask Obama. You have a better chance of getting your answers there.
Jon, where are you? There is a gaping hole in the blogosphere where your unique insights should be.
I really need someone to explain how Obama can claim his election represents a repudiation of Republican economic policies but not of their torture regime. And I don't understand how waterboarding someone 183 times in a month fits into the ticking time bomb scenario. Does Jack Bauer torture the same guy through all the seasons of 24?
I can't make sense of it. But this post shows that you can find the deeper principle that reconciles apparent contradictions. Please bring your magic and make the pain go away.
Help me Obi-Jon, you're my only hope!
Thanks, Jon. Well said. I want to use this in some bible studies I am involved in...The one about "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
If "conservative" children are different and should be treated differently than "liberal" children, does that mean we can breed "conservatives"? The generalizations Jonny blogger here works with are mind boggling. Have you ever checked out the rate of out-of-wedlock births by state? That's right, many of the states with the highest rates are more "conservative" states. And "liberal" Massachusetts has one of the lowest rates. It also happens to have about the lowest divorce rate in the nation. Huh, that's funny? What happen to the moral decrepitude of "liberals"? I think its time we recognize that there are VAST differences around the US and those differences create contexts in which people come to thin differently about the world. The unfortunate thing is when we get liberal & conservative bloggers, newscasters, etc. who want to impose their reaction to their context on the rest of us.
...the need for children to have two parents of the opposite sex...
Since I’m obviously an idiot, and clearly not the sharpest tack in the box, I need to understand why boys would need two mothers or girls would need two fathers? Or am I missing something here?
hi! nice blog. keep it up. i follow ur blog please visit my blog and follow my following blogs too.
"Being an unwed mother is different when you're a conservative."
Pleeeeeese tell me this is sarcasm. Where's the "reasonable" part of your conservativism?
"I am a reasonable conservative who likes to write about politics and culture. Since the media is biased I get all my news from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Jay Leno monologues."
So, since the media is biased, you listen to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Fox is pointedly biased, and Rush obviously makes no excuses for his rabid hatred of anyone who dares to be anything but a hardline conservative.
If you want to be reasonable, why don't you listen to many different news agencies in order to get varied views and opinions? Are you afraid you might begin to waver from your fear of anyone who is different from you? That someone who disagrees with you may still, at the same time, actually be reasonable and willing to listen and debate without name calling?
Whatta blog.. Thanks for sharing.. very well said.
Conservatives need to join the revolution, before it's too late.
You pretend that there are no criminals from "good" homes.Your whole premise is that "liberals are bad people. Why don't you just go ahead and say Nigger? You can't because you are afraid that one of them will confront you and make you pee your pants.
You conservatives are all alike, cowards!
yes why change it look different
Hey Jon, I love the way you think and present. Bristol Palin may not be a conservative. Are we just assuming. She is a different person. Maybe she thinks different and says something different because she needs to save her mom's political career.
Web Design firm
This is a past issue. and now what happened to them? no media at all. no news about them.
Liberals make the mistake in not understanding that conservatives hold out the IDEAL without condemning the INDIVIDUAL.
She made a mistake. She now know it. Levi is a jackass.
I wish her well. And hope she finds happiness
She is not different. THE difference is conservatives don't attack a young woman for a MISTAKE. They attack the principle. Liberals attack the individual IF the individual happens to be the daughter of a hated (by liberals) conservative woman
you've got point in there. and in fact they are in liberal world.
That's right, carl! Rosie O'Donnell wasn't attacked for trying to adopt a baby--her principles were attacked! Michael J. Fox wasn't attacked by Rush Limbaugh for making an ad supporting stem cell research--Rush was attacking his principles by claiming he was faking it and imitating his uncontrolled movements!
You conservatives always take the high road.
And so do I.
i am very sorry for this girl and her bf who had to marry in oder to save political image of bristol's mother. as i am fammiliar with such cases i suspect that its not the merrige full of love and understanding... i hope this girl will be just fine and happy with her baby
She is not different. THE difference is conservatives don't attack a young woman for a MISTAKE. They attack the principle. Liberals attack the individual IF the individual happens to be the daughter of a hated (by liberals) conservative woman
I've yet to encounter a "conservative" who wasn't a dishonest wad of scum. You, carl, are yet another who has shown himself to be just that.
Liberals make the mistake in not understanding that conservatives hold out the IDEAL without condemning the INDIVIDUAL.
There's another "conservative" lying wad of scum.
Pleeeeeese tell me this is sarcasm.
Ok: It's sarcasm, idiot.
Since I’m obviously an idiot, and clearly not the sharpest tack in the box
At least you're sharp enough to get that much right.
Check out the new rap on Palin -
Going Rogue
In other words, liberals would have attacked us even if we had responded the way they thought we would based on what we have said in the past,Is this truth?
I pretty much ignored the whole thing cause I didn't care, but I have been completely confused by the reaction to this from the right all along. Thank you for clearing that up.
What thought may or may not run through her young head are completely irrelevant.
Unlike liburals, democrats, satanists, sodomites, brown people, and other godless heathens.
Being snubbed in high school by the daughter of the local Carpet Barn owner is as sound a basis for the whole
Pokaduck says man there is reeeally a shitload of nuance on this site and reeeealy fine distinction and differentiation...that becomes reeeeeally necessary when you have to rationalize goofy, right wing horseshit.
Yes, my Dear, I am blowing the whistle and put the dots together on the C.I.A.'s worldwide espionage at universities!
"University Spy - A True Story"
Behavioral science teaches that small changes in a man’s sex-life can have large effects on keeping secrets. Defrocked Chief Paterson, who had up to my ‘interviews’ never hooked up with a man, made a quick transition from the closet to homosexual voracity and behaved like an animal on steroids!
These investigative interviews will plunge you, the reader, into the murk of the abnormal psychology and mind boggling career of W. B. Paterson from hell-bent taxi driver to hysterical C.I.A. Chief-of-university-spies!
It was morning in America, the alcoholic Chief had just finished vomiting, was hung-over and had a pathological need for homosexual intercourse. Working in the Chief‘s office was like coming to a U.S. war-of-aggression zone where sexual degradation, torture and rape flourish. As the sexually harassed male employee of perverted Chief Paterson I unlocked sinister secrets ripe for a journalistic tour de force!
Blowing the whistle! Chief Paterson is the inheritor of American multi-billion dollar conglomerate Paterson Inc., a globally operating university supplier which doubles as a C.I.A. spy contractor! Chief Paterson has the command over a hidden espionage archipelago stretching across the world from university to university. It’s scary, very scary!
Evil exists! In vicious violation of privacy and security of professors, students and research, Paterson Inc. is giving the C.I.A. a thousand eyes on academia’s scientific experiments, social networks, political activities, fingerprints, bank accounts and much more. "We are a covert operations contractor for the C.I.A." The Chief wobbled back and forward like a drunken tip-over doll, his jaws loosened by a bottle of whisky. "We are kicking academic ass since five decades", he barked with frothing-at-the-mouth, biting the hand that feeds him!
An extremist university supplier with neo-Nazi flavorings! The juicy revelations of the Chief going anal are off the record; Walt Blair Paterson’s real name, his official job, U.S.-whereabouts and the name of his gonzo company were changed and rendered anonymous - to protect me and my ’deep-throat’ for legal reasons!
America, my most favored democracy: One dollar, one vote! C.I.A. espionage contractors such as Paterson Inc. are NOT SUBJECT to the Freedom of Information Act!
Crime pays fabulously in America! An obscure law allows the C.I.A. to block all congressional and public inquiries into the secret files, the budget, the number of cloak-and-dagger agents and the entire power structure of the Pater$on Shadow Company, the recipient of vast amounts of U.S. government money!
The U.S. will go down in history as the country that breeds the greatest science looters! Who are the shameless American ’scholars’ and at which benighted U.S. universities do they work, dim-wits who helped dreadful C.I.A. & Paterson to conceptualize the hellish ‘intellectual’ framework for spying worldwide at universities?
A betrayal worthy of Judas! If the burly men from beastly Paterson Inc. tilted the global academic playing field in favor of U.S. ’scientists’, and if this helps clarify America’s unparalleled share of Nobel prizes during that curiously energetic U.S. ’research’ period over the past five decades, synchronized with the C.I.A.’s university espionage history, then so be it!
All this I found out like a Teutonic spy on tiptoes, interrupted only by the Chief’s disgusting demonstrations of affection and while his ungentlemanly hands fondled among my pink boxer-shorts!
Which unapologetic investigative reporter is going to identify and expose the reckless U.S. ‘university supplier’, to which fictional ‘Paterson Inc.’ lent its imprint?
Yours, Truly
Dr. H.R. Goetting
Great idea. thanks for sharing the information. I will surely going to use this.
"Why didn't she allow McCain's ppl to brief
her for the Couric interview?"
B/c trying to pour a gallon of information into a shot glass of a brain is a complete waste of time.
Well, I just came across this blog a year after it was posted, but I have to comment. Why do conservatives and liberals alike waste their breath discussing unwed motherhood when this non-issue is not what makes Bristol Palin different at all. What we should be examining is her name. Bristol? What kind of a name is "Bristol"? It sounds like a shaving cream. And then look what happened. "Bristol" named her son "Tripp" a word that implies he's either on drugs or falling over his shoelaces like an idiot. I shudder to think of the consequences if Sarah Palin's political influence spreads. Do we really want to doom future generations to absolutely awful names? And things aren't much better among the democrats. The American people have endured enough over the past generation. It's time we take our country back from those with embarassing names and place it in the safe, protective hands of the Jacks, Edwards, and Susans.
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